Thanks for the swift answer. Let me correct myself: make-instance seems to be correctly exported by CL package (SBCL), but when i try to, let's say create an instance of a frame object in my user-defined package the interpreter signals a name colision between the FRAME symbols of LTK and my package, although i never defined any symbol with that name. i am simply using: (make-instance 'frame :master nil ...) i think the error refers to this "frame* class designator.. Do i have to qualify it somehow and if yes how does one do that? That said, i have to admit, that i am still learning how to properly use lisp package system. Thanks for any advice, Matus On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 10:54 PM, Peter Herth <herth@peter-herth.de> wrote:
Hi Matus,
it should be exported from the common-lisp package. Which lisp are you using?
On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Matus Kmit <simply.nitaai@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry i am a newbie, but i have a question: What is the reason that MAKE-INSTANCE is not exported from the LTK package?
Thank you matus
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