5 Oct
5 Oct
10:23 a.m.
On 10/4/2010 10:41 PM, Daniel Herring wrote:
If I were starting a new GUI toolkit today, I think it would be built on a lower, simpler substrate with more possibilities for novel widgets and user interactions: OpenGL/OpenAL and DirectX.
Done. Tcl/Tk/Togl -> OpenGL/OpenAL or Snack/GraphicsMagick/FTGL. If Cello is still on c-l.net. I know Frank G had started on resuurection of Cello. btw, If you want OpenGL you'll want FFI. Lemme know if you need a link to CFFI. :) kt -- http://www.stuckonalgebra.com "The best Algebra tutorial program I have seen... in a class by itself." Macworld