On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 03:27:46PM +0200, Volker wrote: hello!
Has anyone a clue how postcommand in combobox is supposed to be used?
I can not even run a simple function as postcommand, because this doesn't work either:
(defun combo-postcommand-2 () (ltk:with-ltk () (let ((c (make-instance 'combobox :text "Values:" :postcommand (lambda () (format t "Run postcommand~%"))))) (ltk:pack c :side :left :padx 2))))
Looking at the ltk source¹ seems to me that "postcommand" is not a slot of the ltk:combobox (and neither of the parents too). If I can understand correctly the value (converted to string) is passed straight to wish. Have you tried to pass tcl code instead? Bye! C. ¹ https://github.com/herth/ltk/blob/master/ltk/ltk.lisp#L2149