On 3/27/06, Ken Tilton <kentilton@gmail.com> wrote:
On 3/27/06, Peter Herth <herth@peter-herth.de> wrote:
On 3/27/06, Ken Tilton <kentilton@gmail.com> wrote:
I just ran across Tk Tile. Seems to be all the rage. Also seems like it will be built into Tk 8.5. Is LTk going that way?
That would be great, as I think tile is really an improvement. Concerning ltk, just look at ltk-tile.lisp,
Oh. Never mind. :)
it is not complete, but
support is already there :)
Wow, Tile just drops right in.
PWUAHAHAH: http://wiki.tcl.tk/15443 In the middle of that a Tile booster argues strenuously against mixing Tile with Tk classic because of the visual nastiness of combining native with Tk classic, which I certainly can imagine. They are saying, look, you want native (Tile) or you want the same appearance on two different platforms (Tk), make up yer mind. Fortunately, they say, the decision is easier for new code since old code requires some porting. One guy has 50kloc of Tcl. whoa. Nice.I think I'll try porting Celtk to just use Tile. Some of those themes
look a lot nicer than standard Tk.
So.... support both? Even at the same time, against all advice? ken