Hello: I believe this is not what you call examples, but this is an application I developed for a physics matter. I also wrote a comic viewer using ltk. It's at common-lisp.net, but at the moment I have problems with utf and that version doesn't work. The newer versions at my box work perfectly. I believe I could write some little demos If you want, say what you want and give me some time. I'm a poor student. Bye! PD: The application messages are written in catalonian. Maybe you have problems with non-ascii characters. 2006/11/23, Bernhard Graf <bgraf@adartis.de>:
I made it !!! :-)
(defun scaler () (with-ltk () (let* ((frm (make-instance 'frame)) (lab (make-instance 'label :master frm :text "Enter Name: ")) (ent (make-instance 'entry :master frm)) (age 0) (textarea (make-instance 'frame)) (txt (make-instance 'scrolled-text :master textarea)) (scl (make-instance 'scale :label "Age:" :digits 1 :from 10 :to 50 :tickinterval 10)) (but (make-instance 'button :master textarea :text "Push Me" :command (lambda () (append-text txt (concatenate 'string "Hello, " (text ent ) (format nil ", you are ~D years old" (value scl)) ))))) ) (pack lab :side :left) (pack ent :side :left) (pack frm) (pack scl) (pack but) (pack txt) (pack textarea) )))
Actually, while programming this seemingly simple example, I recognized that LISP has 1001 arithmetic functions, but when it comes to string-to-number-and-back conversion, it looks pretty bad.
Is that so or am I just only looking at the wrong places ? I found a parse-number library from Matthew Danish and use format to convert from numbers back to strings, but the latter seems rather ugly compared to actual "functions" that I know from Turbo Pascal and the former is quite good, but still not completely universal.
Greetings, Bernhard
Am 23.11.2006 um 13:04 schrieb Peter Herth:
Or just (value myscale) if myscale is the scale widget....
Peter _______________________________________________ ltk-user site list ltk-user@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/ltk-user
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-- Felip Alàez Nadal