From: Nicolas Neuss <neuss@mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de> Subject: Re: [ltk-user] ltk examples To: Talk about Ltk the Lisp Toolkit <ltk-user@common-lisp.net> Date: 22 Nov 2006 18:50:26 +0100 Organization: IPM Bernhard Graf <bgraf@adartis.de> writes:
Hi Ken,
yes, the only demo for ltk is in fact the spinning lines demo. Demo's like the one you provide for your Celtk or Cells-TK would be really great for ltk. The reason why I use ltk is simply that I want to do it on my PowerBook and Cells and everything related to it seem only be supported on Linux and Windows. Or has anyone got it working on a Mac as well, either on openMCL or SBCL ?
I am also stuck again with my ltk trials. I know that e.g. "entry" delivers its content as text and this can be used with (text entry_variable) It seems to come from a tktextvariable, according to the source in ltk.lisp. I was able to display a slider (scale), but I have no idea on how to get its current value. What type is it ? Which method needs to be used to get it ? If only these informations were given in the ltk documentation, it would be really helpful. Unfortunately, the source seems to be the only documentation. Nice for Lisp geeks, but problematic for people like me ;-)
PS : I heard that you are designing a math tutorial software for kids. If you ever need someone to translate it to German, give me a call ;-)
I also asked once about some problem on this list recently, and only Ken answered. His answer did not solve my problem, and I decided that other things were more important to me at the moment. I am somewhat astonished that this list seems so abandoned by LTk developers and users. Maybe you could find more help at comp.lang.lisp? Nicolas