Hi Marco, On 1/23/06, Marco Gidde <marco.gidde@tiscali.de> wrote:
this weekend I started playing with LTK and was really impressed, how easy to use it is. Thank you for this nice piece of software.
Thanks :)
But of course I have something to complain about and that's Tk's look and feel, which is essentially the only reason I did not try LTK earlier. Searching the web I found a few extension packages, especially Tile, which look much nicer, and even a message from Peter, that there is or will be some support for this in LTK.
Yes, I have experimented with Tile and have some support running (all the neccesary changes to ltk.lisp are already in the version you have). Though I would not considered it really to be release-quality, I will gladly bundle tile.lisp with the next ltk release - which is, I promise, only a very few days ahead. Peter