On 10/4/10, Theam Yong Chew <senatorzergling@gmail.com> wrote: ... Sorry, it seems I have forgotten to attach the patch I mentioned below
I've also tried out the repl branch here:
[Sidenote: I pushed :tk84 onto *features*, and consequently had to make some patches (treeview not defined under #+tk84). Do you think the patch shows the right way to go about this? I also noticed that the newer Ttk buttons take vastly different (DEFARGS type) arguments. Of interest to me specifically, :is font no longer supported under the Ttk "branch"?]
It has been very confusing having the carpet yanked out from under me after using Ltk (albeit casually, on and off) for so many years. My best guess at the moment is that it is something in the latest Windows upgrade has broken the pipe between Lisp and wish. I intend to investigate piping functionality some more later. I will also need to debug this on another computer later, so who knows what other behaviour I'll see.
This "another computer" didn't have any problems. Along with a few other things I've observed, I now think it's likely to be a coincidence that my programs broke on two computers at the same time. It's probably not due to a Windows update. At least for now, I am not urgently needing any fixes.
Has anyone else experienced any trouble similar to this? I'll probably also be trying out this suggestion (I don't understand what it does) for windows box 1.
I thought I was going to try the "translate" stuff suggested there, but it is already in the repl branch, so I didn't see any improvements after playing about a bit with the various suggestions there. As for your replies, thanks for the tip, Jonathan: using a popup box is a nicer way than my ugly C-c breaking & continuing. With appropriate social engineering, users won't know any better. Daniel's suggestions for debugging is quite involved, and if I were to do it, it will probably need to be attempted at a much later date. Thanks for the nice explanation of the tradeoffs involved in using pipes/streams. PS Kenny, is qooxdoo's workflow like using Ltk? Does it work well for interactive exploration: widget creation, callbacks into Lisp closures, dynamically changing screen, etc? Yong.