sø., 27.04.2008 kl. 13.23 +0200, skrev Johan Ur Riise:
(tile-test) would sometimes hang on the first command without this
debian sid sbcl wish 8.5
added ttk:: namespace to tcl style commands
diff --git a/ltk-tile.lisp b/ltk-tile.lisp index d33bceb..024d118 100644 --- a/ltk-tile.lisp +++ b/ltk-tile.lisp @@ -43,18 +43,18 @@ (setf (widget-class-name w) (concatenate 'string "ttk::" (widget-class-name w)))))))
(defun theme-names () - (send-wish "senddatastrings [style theme names]") + (send-wish "senddatastrings [ttk::style theme names]") (ltk::read-data))
(defun use-theme(name) - (format-wish "style theme use ~a" name)) + (format-wish "ttk::style theme use ~a" name))
(defun style-element-names () - (send-wish "senddatastrings [style element names]") + (send-wish "senddatastrings [ttk::style element names]") (ltk::read-data))
(defun style-default (style &rest params) - (format-wish "style default ~A ~{ -~(~a~) {~a}~}" style params)) + (format-wish "ttk::style default ~A ~{ -~(~a~) {~a}~}" style params))
(defun tile-test () (with-ltk () @@ -71,7 +71,3 @@ (make-menubutton mtheme theme (lambda () (use-theme theme))))) ))) - - - - \ No newline at end of file
Seems like this is not the end solution. It seems that 1) tcl/tk version 8.4 needs the command 'package require tile' but 8.5 does not 2) moving of (activate-tile) to the inside of (with-ltk) in (defun tile-test) was ok for 8.5, as that version does not require require..., and the "package require tile"-command is executed in the *init-wish-hook*. 3) both 8.4 and 8.5 is fine with qualifying the commands with the ttk namespace. So I get it to work with 8.5, but in 8.4 i still have either a missing "package require" or the error message from the first mail. Have to think of something else.