Hi Peter, Sorry for the delay. I'll try to illustrate what I'm doing and my problem without quoting a bunch of irrelevant source code: (defun do-rad-things () (ltk:do-msg "activity from network!")) (defun start-network () (let ((socket-stream (....)) (wish ltk:*wish*)) (sb-ext:add-fd-handler socket-stream (lambda () (let ((ltk:*wish* wish)) 'do-rad-things))))) (defun start () (ltk:with-ltk (:serve-event t) (build-our-gui) (start-network))) When tk sends output to ltk, the ltk handler is called and ltk:*wish* is bound to the poper wish structure. But when do-rad-things is called, ltk:*wish* is no longer bound to the proper wish structure so I have to do a little let dance to keep it in order. I propose that instead of a with-ltk macro, an ltk:root class is created which holds the connection to the subprocess and represents the default root window wish produces when you start it. It would probably be most convenient if all other widgets also carried a pointer to the wish subprocess or the root class. So then the above might look like this: (defun do-rad-things (wish) (ltk:do-msg wish "activity from network!")) (defun start-network (wish) (let ((socket-stream (....)) (sb-ext:add-fd-handler socket-stream (lambda () (do-rad-things wish))))) (defun start () (let ((wish (make-instance 'ltk:root))) (build-our-gui wish) (start-network wish))) What do you think? -Shawn