OS-X Is a bit harder, as a bundle is lanched with the unix CWD equal to /. ClozureCL makes it relatively easy to call into objective C though, so if you want to depend on that, you can call into the framework that lets you get the bundle path. Then you can put the lisp executable and the tclkit in the bundle and again it all works. I did plan on using ccl, and I think it includes a relatively easy to use bundle maker, but I think that running my program from the command
Jason, Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your feedback. On 12/16/13 4:36 PM, Jason Miller wrote: line will suit for the time being, the assumption being that its easier to get to that point than to stand up a bundle. I might be wrong but we'll see.
FYI for linux I just require that they have tcl >= 8.5 installed and in $PATH. It's usually not a problem.
Have you felt and pressure to build your own tclkits in order to track the latest versions of Tcl/Tk? -- Joshua Kordani LSA Autonomy