Has anyone a clue how postcommand in combobox is supposed to be used? I want to construct the values of a combobox according to the state of a device just when klicking on the widget. I can construct a combobox: (defun combo-1 () (ltk:with-ltk () (let ((c (make-instance 'combobox :text "Values:" :values '(1 2 3)))) (ltk:pack c :side :left :padx 2)))) and change the values outside the constructor: (defun combo-values () "Change :values of combobox outside the constructor" (ltk:with-ltk () (let ((c (make-instance 'combobox :text "Values:"))) (ltk:pack c :side :left :padx 2) (setf (options c) '(1 2 3))))) ; changes field :values Even if I think it would have been better if this would have worked instead: (setf (values c) '(1 2 3)) But fail when I try to use postcommand. This doesn't work: (defun combo-postcommand-1 () "Use of postcommand in combobox." (ltk:with-ltk () (let ((c (make-instance 'combobox :text "Values:" :postcommand (lambda () (set (options c) '(1 2 3)))))) (ltk:pack c :side :left :padx 2)))) (I understand that c is not defined when the lambda command is read but don't see a correct solution.) I can not even run a simple function as postcommand, because this doesn't work either: (defun combo-postcommand-2 () (ltk:with-ltk () (let ((c (make-instance 'combobox :text "Values:" :postcommand (lambda () (format t "Run postcommand~%"))))) (ltk:pack c :side :left :padx 2)))) ???