Dave. Finally, now I know I'm not crazy! I have the exact same problem. As you say, it seems to be some kind of communicaton problem between wish and clisp. I solved the problem by putting a delay in the lisp code (~3 sec) or if you're quick with the mouse, giving focus or at least causing windows to give some kind of event to the wish window will often prevent it hanging. I'm afraid I don't have a fix, just those work arounds. I remember testing it with the free (as in beer) lispworks and having better luck. I can't remember if it completely solved the problem, sorry. Charlie. On 5/19/06, David N Murray <dmurray@jsbsystems.com> wrote:
Hi all,
Has anyone had any luck with LTK + Slime in a Windows environment?
On WinXP, I have Emacs 21.2.1, Slime 2.0 (2006-04-20), clisp 2.38 (binary dist) and ActiveState ActiveTCL 8.4.13.
Initially, I had ActiveTCL 8.4.12 installed, and everything worked in Command Prompt window, but not in slime. I upgraded to 8.4.13 and now, nothing works.
What happens is that wish paints most of the desired components and then hangs: (hello-1) paints the frame with no button (ltktest) paints everything except the text box (ltk-eyes) paints everything, but never tracks the mouse
Placing the mouse pointer inside the frame gets me an hourglass. If wish painted any controls, they are non-functional.
Can someone point me in a direction to get more info out of wish? It looks like the comms between clisp and wish are the problem, but I don't know where to begin to debug it. I found *debug-tk*:
LTK[8]> (hello-1) proc escape {s} {regsub -all {\\} $s {\\\\} s1;regsub -all {"} $s1 {\"} s2;return $s2} proc senddata {s} {puts "(:data [escape $s])";flush stdout} proc senddatastring {s} {puts "(:data \"[escape $s]\")";flush stdout} proc senddatastrings {strings} { puts "(:data (" foreach s $strings { puts "\"[escape $s]\"" } puts "))";flush stdout} proc sendevent {s x y keycode char width height root_x root_y mouse_button} {puts "(:event \"$s\" $x $y $keycode $char $width $height $root_x $root_y $mouse_button)"} proc callback {s} {puts "(:callback \"$s\")";flush stdout} proc callbackval {s val} {puts "(:callback \"$s\" $val)"} proc callbackstring {s val} {puts "(:callback \"$s\" \"[escape $val]\")"} add-callback (w2 #<FUNCTION LAMBDA NIL (FORMAT T Hello World!~&)>) set text_w2 "Push Me"
Alternatively, does anyone have a recommendation for a different TCL/Tk implemenation under windows, that works?
TIA, Dave
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