On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 07:11:33AM +0900, Kamuy Cikap wrote:
Hi every one.
I would like to help you but the fact is that ltk seem have some problem on my system:
an example as simple as this:
;; my package
(require 'ltk)
(defpackage :test (:use :common-lisp :ltk) (:export :main))
(in-package :test)
(defun main () (with-ltk () (let ((b (make-instance 'button :text "Hi!"))) (pack b))))
Launch an exception:
"When reading from tcl, expected a list but instead got FONTCONFIG"
i am using tk 8.6.0+9 on debian testing.
Not sure if it is my fault or not, someone got the same problem?
Bye! C.