How can I set :xscrollcommand configure option to a lisp function?
On 2 June 2012 21:04, Vitaŭt Bajaryn wrote:
How can I set :xscrollcommand configure option to a lisp function?
I figured I can do something like that: ;;;; (in-package #:ltk)
(defun (setf x-scroll-command) (fun widget) (let ((name (create-name))) (add-callback name fun) (format-wish "~a configure -xscrollcommand {callback ~a}" (widget-path widget) name))) (export 'x-scroll-command) ;;;; But callback needs additional parameters and I don't know how to call a function in tcl.
On 4 June 2012 19:30, Vitaŭt Bajaryn wrote:
On 2 June 2012 21:04, Vitaŭt Bajaryn wrote:
How can I set :xscrollcommand configure option to a lisp function?
I figured I can do something like that: ;;;; (in-package #:ltk)
(defun (setf x-scroll-command) (fun widget) (let ((name (create-name))) (add-callback name fun) (format-wish "~a configure -xscrollcommand {callback ~a}" (widget-path widget) name))) (export 'x-scroll-command) ;;;; But callback needs additional parameters and I don't know how to call a function in tcl.
I solved this question. Maybe make (setf x-scroll-command) a part of ltk? Maybe someone except me would want to call a function when a widget is scrolled. ;;;; (in-package #:ltk)
(eval-when (:load-toplevel) (setf *init-wish-hook* (append *init-wish-hook* (list (lambda () (send-wish "proc callback2val {s val1 val2} {global server; puts $server "(:callback \"$s\" $val1 $val2)"} "))))))
(defun (setf x-scroll-command) (fun widget) (let ((name (create-name))) (add-callback name fun) (format-wish "~a configure -xscrollcommand {callback2val ~a}" (widget-path widget) name))) (export 'x-scroll-command) ;;;;