[ltk-user] Windows problem again

Hi, I have same problem which other people wrote here. But I don't know what I can do, cause the solutions of these problems wasn't solution for me :(. I have Windows XP and clisp (I use it with slime) and I'd like to use LTK. I try to install tcl/tk, ActiveTcl and tclkit too. I do exactly this: 1) start emacs and slime(of course clisp with) 2) compile and load ltk: (compile-file "C:/clisp/ltk/ltk.lisp") (load "C:/clisp/ltk/ltk.lisp") 3) use ltk (in-package :ltk) 4) path to wish.exe (setf *wish-pathname* "C:/Tcl/wish.exe") or (setf *wish-pathname* "C:/Tcl/wish84.exe") or (setf *wish-pathname* "C:/Tcl/tclkit.exe") ---> until here all is great 5) start up test (ltktest) => LTK window shows up with 3s delay, windows shows up transfusing clock and it transfusing and transfusing ;)... never stops... and no workable test :'( 6) try to start simple example (with-ltk () (let ((b (make-instance ’button :master nil :text "Press Me" :command (lambda () (format t "Hello World!~&"))))) (pack b))) => LTK window shows up, but error window with notice shows up too... the notice on window is: "EVAL: variable 222BUTTON has no value Do you wish to invoke the debugger?" and slime falls down. I tried to restart after installation of tcl, I tried to install other tcls, I tried to kill programs from tray and windows processes... nothing helps :( Help me please. Thnx for any answer.

Hello Hitman. Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 10:44:11 PM, you wrote: H> I have same problem which other people wrote here. But I don't know what H> I can do, cause the solutions of these problems wasn't solution for me H> :(. I have Windows XP and clisp (I use it with slime) and I'd like to H> use LTK. I try to install tcl/tk, ActiveTcl and tclkit too. I do exactly H> this: H> 1) start emacs and slime(of course clisp with) H> 2) compile and load ltk: H> (compile-file "C:/clisp/ltk/ltk.lisp") H> (load "C:/clisp/ltk/ltk.lisp") H> 3) use ltk H> (in-package :ltk) H> 4) path to wish.exe H> (setf *wish-pathname* "C:/Tcl/wish.exe") or H> (setf *wish-pathname* "C:/Tcl/wish84.exe") or H> (setf *wish-pathname* "C:/Tcl/tclkit.exe") Try to use ASDF - http://www.cliki.net/asdf. Create shortcuts with names ltk.asd.lnk, ltk-mw.asd.lnk, ltk-remote.asd.lnk in asdf:*central-registry*. Check that tcl/bin is in your PATH environment variable. Than in slime-repl do ,load-system RET ltk RET. Then (ltk:ltktest). -- Best regards

Hi Victor my name is Honza,... you wrote:
Try to use ASDF - http://www.cliki.net/asdf. Create shortcuts with names ltk.asd.lnk, ltk-mw.asd.lnk, ltk-remote.asd.lnk in asdf:*central-registry*. Check that tcl/bin is in your PATH environment variable. Than in slime-repl do ,load-system RET ltk RET. Then (ltk:ltktest).
I'm sorry if I sound like unwise man, but I don't understand what I could do. I downloaded and unpacked *asdf-install* from http://www.cliki.net/asdf. When I wrote *(load "/path/to/load-asdf-install.lisp")* it errs... it returns this: *PARSE-NAMESTRING: syntax error in filename "ASDF-INSTALL-LIBRARY:defpackage.lisp" at position 20*. So I downloaded this *http://cclan.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/cclan/asdf/asdf.lisp* and I load it. It works fine, but I don't know, what I could do next. I don't know how I can *"Create shortcuts with names ltk.asd.lnk, ltk-mw.asd.lnk, ltk-remote.asd.lnk in asdf:*central-registry*". *And then... how can I find my *"PATH environment variable"* and finaly what is exactly *",load-system RET ltk RET".* I'm sorry again for my questions but I will be grateful for your answer. Thank you very much. Best regards. Honza.

On 3/15/07, Hitman <_Hitman_@centrum.cz> wrote:
Hi Victor my name is Honza,... you wrote:
Try to use ASDF - http://www.cliki.net/asdf. Create shortcuts with names ltk.asd.lnk, ltk-mw.asd.lnk, ltk-remote.asd.lnk in asdf:*central-registry*. Check that tcl/bin is in your PATH environment variable. Than in slime-repl do ,load-system RET ltk RET. Then (ltk:ltktest).
I'm sorry if I sound like unwise man, but I don't understand what I could do. I downloaded and unpacked *asdf-install* from http://www.cliki.net/asdf. When I wrote *(load "/path/to/load-asdf-install.lisp")* it errs... it returns this: *PARSE-NAMESTRING: syntax error in filename "ASDF-INSTALL-LIBRARY:defpackage.lisp" at position 20*. So I downloaded this *http://cclan.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/cclan/asdf/asdf.lisp* and I load it. It works fine, but I don't know, what I could do next. I don't know how I can *"Create shortcuts with names ltk.asd.lnk, ltk-mw.asd.lnk, ltk-remote.asd.lnk in asdf:*central-registry*". *And then... how can I find my *"PATH environment variable"* and finaly what is exactly *",load-system RET ltk RET".* I'm sorry again for my questions but I will be grateful for your answer. Thank you very much. Best regards. Honza.
_______________________________________________ ltk-user site list ltk-user@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/ltk-user
I blogged a little about this a while ago. You can find my short instructions at http://charliebblog.blogspot.com/ It's actually very easy, once you know how ;) Charlie

I blogged a little about this a while ago. You can find my short instructions at http://charliebblog.blogspot.com/ It's actually very easy, once you know how ;)
Charlie _______________________________________________ ltk-user site list ltk-user@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/ltk-user Nice instructions Charlie (and easy). I do it in line with your instructions and manual pages too, but the window hanging and my LTK isn't workable. :(

On 3/15/07, Hitman <_Hitman_@centrum.cz> wrote:
Nice instructions Charlie (and easy). I do it in line with your instructions and manual pages too, but the window hanging and my LTK isn't workable. :(
I think I also had the same problem under windows. I did solve it but I forget how... I did find a vb script that I wrote to install my application. I have appended it to this email. I think that the breakthrough is at the end of the script when it creates a shortcut and sets the clisp window to invsible (oLink.WindowStyle = "0"). I think it was this that finally solved the hanging at startup issue that was very annoying. I was looking at my sources and I see that I also don't use the default *tk* window (withdraw ltk::*tk*) that gets automatically opened but I create my own toplevel, that may have some impact. If nether of these thinks work I found that giving the main window an event, normally by mouse, while it is initializing will stop it from hanging. Be quick :) I hope at least one of these things works for you. I last used this app with a much older version of ltk so ymmv. Good luck Charlie ---------- make_asdf_repository.vbs ------------------- Const USER_PROFILE = &H28& Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set FSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") cd = oWS.CurrentDirectory home = CreateObject("Shell.Application").Namespace(USER_PROFILE).Self.Path ' Delete/re-create the existing asdfs folder IF NOT FSO.FolderExists(cd + "\asdfs") THEN FSO.CreateFolder(cd + "\asdfs") ' Create shortcuts from all the .asd files to the asdf directory Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(cd + "\asdfs\ltk.asd.lnk") oLink.TargetPath = cd + "\ltk\ltk.asd" oLink.WorkingDirectory = cd + "\ltk" oLink.Save Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(cd + "\asdfs\ltk-bwidgets.asd.lnk") oLink.TargetPath = cd + "\ltk-bwidgets\ltk-bwidgets.asd" oLink.WorkingDirectory = cd + "\ltk-bwidgets" oLink.Save Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(cd + "\asdfs\ltk-taskman.asd.lnk") oLink.TargetPath = cd + "\ltk-taskman\ltk-taskman.asd" oLink.WorkingDirectory = cd + "\ltk-taskman" oLink.Save ' Create the .clisprc.lisp and .taskman files in user's home Set initFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(home + "\.clisprc") initFile.WriteLine("(load """ + replace(cd, "\", "/") + "/asdf.lisp"" )") initFile.WriteLine("(push """ + replace(cd, "\", "/") + _ "/asdfs/"" asdf:*central-registry*)") initFile.Close() Set initFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(home + "\.taskman") initFile.WriteLine("((icon-path . """ + replace(cd, "\", "/") + _ "/ltk-taskman/""))") initFile.Close() ' Finally Create the shortcut to the taskman Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(cd + "\Taskman.lnk") oLink.TargetPath = cd + "\clisp-2.38\clisp.exe" oLink.Arguments = " -i " + cd + "\run-taskman.lisp" oLink.WorkingDirectory = cd + "\clisp-2.38" oLink.WindowStyle = "0" oLink.Save

On 3/13/07, Hitman <_Hitman_@centrum.cz> wrote:
5) start up test (ltktest) => LTK window shows up with 3s delay, windows shows up transfusing clock and it transfusing and transfusing ;)... never stops... and no workable test :'( 6) try to start simple example (with-ltk () (let ((b (make-instance 'button :master nil :text "Press Me" :command (lambda () (format t "Hello World!~&"))))) (pack b))) => LTK window shows up, but error window with notice shows up too... the notice on window is: "EVAL: variable 222BUTTON has no value Do you wish to invoke the debugger?" and slime falls down. I tried to restart after installation of tcl, I tried to install other tcls, I tried to kill programs from tray and windows processes... nothing helps :( Help me please. Thnx for any answer.
This sounds different from any Windows-related problem I remember being reported before. Unfortunately, you haven't given enough details for us to be able to determine what's going wrong; although if you're seeing the Wish window, you have no problems with asdf nor with wish being started. After loading ltk, before running any tests, could you do (setf ltk:*debug-tk* t) and send us the complete transcript of the session. Hopefully Peter and I will spot something in that output. Also, to rule out any character encoding issues, try to verify that Emacs, CLISP, and Tk are all running in Latin-1 locales. -Thomas

Thomas F. Burdick wrote:
This sounds different from any Windows-related problem I remember being reported before. Unfortunately, you haven't given enough details for us to be able to determine what's going wrong; although if you're seeing the Wish window, you have no problems with asdf nor with wish being started.
After loading ltk, before running any tests, could you do (setf ltk:*debug-tk* t) and send us the complete transcript of the session. Hopefully Peter and I will spot something in that output.
Also, to rule out any character encoding issues, try to verify that Emacs, CLISP, and Tk are all running in Latin-1 locales.
-Thomas _______________________________________________ ltk-user site list ltk-user@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/ltk-user Hi Thomas, I did, what u wrote me - (setf *debug-tk* t) and when I ran (ltktest) it was functional :-O, (ltk::ltk-eyes) wasn't functional - LTK window shows up and ranging and transcript was:
package require Tk proc escape {s} {regsub -all {\\} $s {\\\\} s1;regsub -all {"} $s1 {\"} s2;return $s2} proc senddata {s} {puts "(:data [escape $s])";flush stdout} proc senddatastring {s} {puts "(:data \"[escape $s]\")";flush stdout} proc senddatastrings {strings} { puts "(:data (" foreach s $strings { puts "\"[escape $s]\"" } puts "))";flush stdout} proc sendevent {s x y keycode char width height root_x root_y mouse_button} {puts "(:event \"$s\" $x $y $keycode $char $width $height $root_x $root_y $mouse_button)"} proc callback {s} {puts "(:callback \"$s\")";flush stdout} proc callbackval {s val} {puts "(:callback \"$s\" $val)"} proc callbackstring {s val} {puts "(:callback \"$s\" \"[escape $val]\")"} and now it's ranging. When i tried the simple example from ltkdoc.pdf *(with-ltk () (let ((b (make-instance ’button :master nil :text "Press Me" :command (lambda () (format t "Hello World!~&"))))) (pack b)))* the transcript was: package require Tk proc escape {s} {regsub -all {\\} $s {\\\\} s1;regsub -all {"} $s1 {\"} s2;return $s2} proc senddata {s} {puts "(:data [escape $s])";flush stdout} proc senddatastring {s} {puts "(:data \"[escape $s]\")";flush stdout} proc senddatastrings {strings} { puts "(:data (" foreach s $strings { puts "\"[escape $s]\"" } puts "))";flush stdout} proc sendevent {s x y keycode char width height root_x root_y mouse_button} {puts "(:event \"$s\" $x $y $keycode $char $width $height $root_x $root_y $mouse_button)"} proc callback {s} {puts "(:callback \"$s\")";flush stdout} proc callbackval {s val} {puts "(:callback \"$s\" $val)"} proc callbackstring {s val} {puts "(:callback \"$s\" \"[escape $val]\")"} senddatastring [tk_messageBox -message { EVAL: variable 222BUTTON has no value Do you wish to invoke the debugger?} -title {Error} -type yesno -icon question] read-data: (:DATA "no") exit Best regards. Honza.

This sounds different from any Windows-related problem I remember being reported before. Unfortunately, you haven't given enough details for us to be able to determine what's going wrong; although if you're seeing the Wish window, you have no problems with asdf nor with wish being started.
After loading ltk, before running any tests, could you do (setf ltk:*debug-tk* t) and send us the complete transcript of the session. Hopefully Peter and I will spot something in that output.
Also, to rule out any character encoding issues, try to verify that Emacs, CLISP, and Tk are all running in Latin-1 locales.
-Thomas Hi, I have a new knowledge about my problem. It maybe can help. If I evaluate (ltktest) or (ltk::ltk-eyes) the window shows up and hanging -
Thomas F. Burdick wrote: that I already wrote, but when I close slime or more precisly emacs... the window, which was hanging stop hanging and the picture of these tests shows up and of course when I want to do whatever, the Application Error shows up too. For example: (ltk::ltk-eyes) => window shows up and it's hanging ---> I close emacs => the eyes with blue circle in LTK window shows up and Application Error window shows up too... in this window is this error: error writing "stdout": broken pipe error writing "stdout": broken pipe while executing "puts "(:callback \"$s\")"" (procedure "callback" line 1) invoked from within "callback after2" ("after" script) This is interesting, I think. At first I see nothing and when I close emacs I see the example but not functionall. I hope this can help you give me an advice. Best regards. Honza

Hi again, Now I've solved my problem... I tried to load ltk.lisp in clisp.exe from command line and after eval (ltktest) the window is hanging => not functional... I tried it in LispWorks and (ltktest) and (ltk-eyes) were fully functional and simple example from manual shows up the LTK window and window is hanging again => not functional... And finally I tried it in SBCL for windows and all tests and examples are fully functional and I'm very happy... :) . Thank u all... Honza.
participants (4)
Charlie Burrows
Thomas F. Burdick
Victor Bazhenov