Re: [Ecls-list] [ltk-user] LTK and ECLS

Thanks for the reply and the fix, Juanjo. 2008/8/19 Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll <>:
; loading system definition from /lisp/lib/ltk-0.91/ltk.asd into ; #<ASDF0 package> ;;; Loading "/lisp/lib/ltk-0.91/ltk.asd" ; registering #<SYSTEM LTK 15100376> as LTK ;;; Loading "c:/lisp/lib/ltk-0.91/ltk.lisp" NIL
(setf ltk:*wish-pathname* "c:/Tcl/bin/wish85.exe") "c:/Tcl/bin/wish85.exe" ;(setf ltk:*debug-tk* t) (ltk:ltktest)
#<two-way stream 00f0db68>
This has been fixed in CVS today. I sent previously a email explaining the problems, but LTK has to be changed. The line that executes RUN-PROGRAM should now read similar to the SBCL one, because ECL implements the :WAIT argument
#+:ecl(ext:run-program program args :input :stream :output :stream :error :output :wait wt)
Great, we'll change that in the next release.
participants (1)
Thomas F. Burdick