[ltk-user] problem with the :background keyword

Hi, I am a beginner at both ltk and tk and I am trying to convert a small programme from Tk to LTk. Tk version: pack [button .b -text "Push Me" -background red -command {tk_messageBox -message "hello, world"}] LTk version: (with-ltk () (let ((my-button (make-instance 'text :text "Push Me" :background :red :command (lambda () (message-box "Hello, world!" "message" 'ok 'info))))) (pack my-button))) The Tk version works fine, whereas the LTk version gives the following error: Invalid initialization argument: :BACKGROUND in call for class #<STANDARD-CLASS BUTTON>. See also: The ANSI Standard, Section 7.1.2 [Condition of type INITARG-ERROR] On the other hand, there is no error if the :background line is removed. It's as if the :background keyword is only allowed for a few specific widgets, like the text widget. I also get errors if I try to set it with configure, as shown in the LTk manual, e.g. (configure my-button :background :blue) What am I doing wrong ? Any help is appreciated, I am using tk8.5 on debian squeeze, with sbcl 1.0.55, and the current release of ltk that ships with quicklisp. Sincerely, -- harven

Hi, short answer: you do nothing wrong, you can't set the background of buttons. Long answer: Tk introduced a new set of widgets in 8.5, the "Ttk" versions, which are fully themeable and tend to look native on most platforms. Ltk by default uses those widgets. As they are based on an UI theme, they support less configuration options. And frankly speaking, it is a good practice not to change e.g. the background of buttons. The only widget, where I needed to change the background frequently would be the frame widget - and for that reason Ltk wraps the "classical-frame" which is the old style one with a background option. You could of course define your own UI theme Tk and Ltk allows for that. Peter On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 3:19 AM, <harven@free.fr> wrote:
I am a beginner at both ltk and tk and I am trying to convert a small programme from Tk to LTk.
Tk version: pack [button .b -text "Push Me" -background red -command {tk_messageBox -message "hello, world"}]
LTk version: (with-ltk () (let ((my-button (make-instance 'text :text "Push Me" :background :red :command (lambda () (message-box "Hello, world!" "message" 'ok 'info))))) (pack my-button)))
The Tk version works fine, whereas the LTk version gives the following error:
Invalid initialization argument: :BACKGROUND in call for class #<STANDARD-CLASS BUTTON>. See also: The ANSI Standard, Section 7.1.2 [Condition of type INITARG-ERROR]
On the other hand, there is no error if the :background line is removed. It's as if the :background keyword is only allowed for a few specific widgets, like the text widget. I also get errors if I try to set it with configure, as shown in the LTk manual, e.g. (configure my-button :background :blue)
What am I doing wrong ?
Any help is appreciated, I am using tk8.5 on debian squeeze, with sbcl 1.0.55, and the current release of ltk that ships with quicklisp. Sincerely, -- harven
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Ah, I understand. Thanks for the answer. Harven ----- Mail original ----- De: "Peter Herth" <herth@peter-herth.de> À: "Talk about Ltk the Lisp Toolkit" <ltk-user@common-lisp.net> Envoyé: Samedi 1 Septembre 2012 14:17:00 Objet: Re: [ltk-user] problem with the :background keyword Hi, short answer: you do nothing wrong, you can't set the background of buttons. Long answer: Tk introduced a new set of widgets in 8.5, the "Ttk" versions, which are fully themeable and tend to look native on most platforms. Ltk by default uses those widgets. As they are based on an UI theme, they support less configuration options. And frankly speaking, it is a good practice not to change e.g. the background of buttons. The only widget, where I needed to change the background frequently would be the frame widget - and for that reason Ltk wraps the "classical-frame" which is the old style one with a background option. You could of course define your own UI theme Tk and Ltk allows for that. Peter
participants (2)
Peter Herth