Ive been playing around with the canvas widget, and was wondering if there is a way to find if a created object is 'selected', or at the same coordinates as (ltk:event-x ltk:event-y) without having to manually keep track of each object on the canvas.
It sounds as if you bound an event handler to the canvas widget and then tried to find a corresponding canvas item. The canvas widget is really powerful and provides event handlers on the items themselves, i.e.
(let ((item (create-line canvas (list x1 y1 x2 y2)))) (itembind canvas item "<Enter>" (lambda (ev) (format t "entered item ~A~%" item))) (itembind canvas item "<Leave>" (lambda (ev) (format t "left item ~A~%" item))))
Thanks. I didnt realise that items could also have event handlers, so this simplifies things substantially. nik
participants (1)
nik gaffney