On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, mikel evins wrote:
Clotho is waiting on my paying job, rather than on any further releases from Gary, but it is true that Gary is near a new release of OpenMCL. The new release will have a new version of the Objective C interface, the first to provide CLOS metaclasses that make Objective C classes and methods look like CLOS classes and methods. There is a caveat for us: the initial release probably will make apps built on Jaguar unlaunchable on Panther and vice-versa. There is likely to be a period, therefore, where we really want to have both Jaguar and Panther hosts available for building binaries (though perhaps it's early enough in Clotho's lifespan that we can get away with sources-only releases for a while).
Just to clarify: we didn't get methods integrated (yet). There's a terse (but hopefully correct) description of what works (and known limitations) in http://openmcl.clozure.com/Doc/cocoa.html.
Hopefully, the new release will be out later today.
Gary Byers gb@clozure.com