Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv3639
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Change over-eager call to DIRECTORY for pathname completion... should
now use the entered input to create the wild pathname.
Assumes Unix-style wild pathnames, but the whole pathname completion
thing is Unix-specific anyway, so...
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/presentation-defs.lisp 2008/04/19 09:26:49 1.77
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/presentation-defs.lisp 2008/05/27 13:15:36 1.78
@@ -1614,72 +1614,76 @@
(defun filename-completer (so-far mode)
- (flet ((remove-trail (s)
- (subseq s 0 (let ((pos (position #\/ s :from-end t)))
- (if pos (1+ pos) 0)))))
- (let* ((directory-prefix
- (if (and (plusp (length so-far)) (eql (aref so-far 0) #\/))
- ""
- (namestring #+sbcl *default-pathname-defaults*
- #+cmu (ext:default-directory)
- #-(or sbcl cmu) *default-pathname-defaults*)))
- (full-so-far (concatenate 'string directory-prefix so-far))
- (pathnames
- (loop with length = (length full-so-far)
- and wildcard = (concatenate 'string (remove-trail so-far) "*.*")
- for path in
- #+(or sbcl cmu lispworks) (directory wildcard)
- #+openmcl (directory wildcard :directories t)
- #+allegro (directory wildcard :directories-are-files nil)
- #+cormanlisp (nconc (directory wildcard)
- (cl::directory-subdirs dirname))
- #-(or sbcl cmu lispworks openmcl allegro cormanlisp)
- (directory wildcard)
- when (let ((mismatch (mismatch (namestring path) full-so-far)))
- (or (null mismatch) (= mismatch length)))
- collect path))
- (strings (mapcar #'namestring pathnames))
- (first-string (car strings))
- (length-common-prefix nil)
- (completed-string nil)
- (full-completed-string nil)
- (input-is-directory-p (when (plusp (length so-far))
- (char= (aref so-far (1- (length so-far))) #\/))))
- (unless (null pathnames)
- (setf length-common-prefix
- (loop with length = (length first-string)
- for string in (cdr strings)
- do (setf length (min length (or (mismatch string first-string) length)))
- finally (return length))))
- (unless (null pathnames)
- (setf completed-string
- (subseq first-string (length directory-prefix)
- (if (null (cdr pathnames)) nil length-common-prefix)))
- (setf full-completed-string
- (concatenate 'string directory-prefix completed-string)))
- (case mode
- ((:complete-limited :complete-maximal)
- (cond ((null pathnames)
- (values so-far nil nil 0 nil))
- ((null (cdr pathnames))
- (values completed-string (plusp (length so-far)) (car pathnames) 1 nil))
- (input-is-directory-p
- (values completed-string t (parse-namestring so-far) (length pathnames) nil))
- (t
- (values completed-string nil nil (length pathnames) nil))))
- (:complete
- ;; This is reached when input is activated, if we did
- ;; completion, that would mean that an input of "foo" would
- ;; be expanded to "foobar" if "foobar" exists, even if the
- ;; user actually *wants* the "foo" pathname (to create the
- ;; file, for example).
- (values so-far t so-far 1 nil))
- (:possibilities
- (values nil nil nil (length pathnames)
- (loop with length = (length directory-prefix)
- for name in pathnames
- collect (list (subseq (namestring name) length nil)
- name))))))))
+ (let* ((directory-prefix
+ (if (and (plusp (length so-far)) (eql (aref so-far 0) #\/))
+ ""
+ (namestring #+sbcl *default-pathname-defaults*
+ #+cmu (ext:default-directory)
+ #-(or sbcl cmu) *default-pathname-defaults*)))
+ (full-so-far (concatenate 'string directory-prefix so-far))
+ (pathnames
+ (loop with length = (length full-so-far)
+ and wildcard = (format nil "~A*.*"
+ (loop for start = 0 ; Replace * -> \*
+ for occurence = (position #\* so-far :start start)
+ until (= start (length so-far))
+ until (null occurence)
+ do (replace so-far "\\*" :start1 occurence)
+ (setf start (+ occurence 2))
+ finally (return so-far)))
+ for path in
+ #+(or sbcl cmu lispworks) (directory wildcard)
+ #+openmcl (directory wildcard :directories t)
+ #+allegro (directory wildcard :directories-are-files nil)
+ #+cormanlisp (nconc (directory wildcard)
+ (cl::directory-subdirs dirname))
+ #-(or sbcl cmu lispworks openmcl allegro cormanlisp)
+ (directory wildcard)
+ when (let ((mismatch (mismatch (namestring path) full-so-far)))
+ (or (null mismatch) (= mismatch length)))
+ collect path))
+ (strings (mapcar #'namestring pathnames))
+ (first-string (car strings))
+ (length-common-prefix nil)
+ (completed-string nil)
+ (full-completed-string nil)
+ (input-is-directory-p (when (plusp (length so-far))
+ (char= (aref so-far (1- (length so-far))) #\/))))
+ (unless (null pathnames)
+ (setf length-common-prefix
+ (loop with length = (length first-string)
+ for string in (cdr strings)
+ do (setf length (min length (or (mismatch string first-string) length)))
+ finally (return length))))
+ (unless (null pathnames)
+ (setf completed-string
+ (subseq first-string (length directory-prefix)
+ (if (null (cdr pathnames)) nil length-common-prefix)))
+ (setf full-completed-string
+ (concatenate 'string directory-prefix completed-string)))
+ (case mode
+ ((:complete-limited :complete-maximal)
+ (cond ((null pathnames)
+ (values so-far nil nil 0 nil))
+ ((null (cdr pathnames))
+ (values completed-string (plusp (length so-far)) (car pathnames) 1 nil))
+ (input-is-directory-p
+ (values completed-string t (parse-namestring so-far) (length pathnames) nil))
+ (t
+ (values completed-string nil nil (length pathnames) nil))))
+ (:complete
+ ;; This is reached when input is activated, if we did
+ ;; completion, that would mean that an input of "foo" would
+ ;; be expanded to "foobar" if "foobar" exists, even if the
+ ;; user actually *wants* the "foo" pathname (to create the
+ ;; file, for example).
+ (values so-far t so-far 1 nil))
+ (:possibilities
+ (values nil nil nil (length pathnames)
+ (loop with length = (length directory-prefix)
+ for name in pathnames
+ collect (list (subseq (namestring name) length nil)
+ name)))))))
(define-presentation-method accept ((type pathname) stream (view textual-view)
&key (default *default-pathname-defaults* defaultp)