Here are a few more issues I've encountered trying to load McCLIM on CLISP / Win32. There are two places in the .asd file where the :file component :name value is given as a two-part path expression. CLISP complains: MAKE-PATHNAME: illegal :NAME argument "Goatee/presentation-history" [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] and MAKE-PATHNAME: illegal :NAME argument "Looks/pixie" [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] Goatee/goatee-command.lisp fails to compile specifically on CLISP / Win32 because #\Delete is not defined (but it is for CLISP on Unix). The same character value can be obtained with #\Rubout. More info here: http://www.podval.org/~sds/clisp/impnotes/char-platform-dep.html I suppose the next problem is better reported on the flexichain mailing list, but while I've got your attention...flexichain/utilities.lisp has an EVAL-WHEN form that uses :evaluate which is not supported on CLISP: ;; Compiling file C:\projects\third_party\asdf-repo\flexichain\utilities.lisp ... ERROR in lines 66..93 : EVAL-WHEN situation must be :LOAD-TOPLEVEL, :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL or :EXECUTE, but not :EVALUATE The reason why I'm bothering you all with these issues, rather than just using SBCL, is that the combination of SBCL, Slime, and Graphic-Forms is not working due to an as yet unresolved issue with window creation. If you're subscribed to either slime-devel or sbcl-devel then you've seen the problem report. Interestingly, I see the same problem with gtkairo. But CLISP works great for me, so I thought it would be worth some time looking into this stuff. -- Jack Unrue