* stream-input.lisp: add 'stream-clear-input methods for 'standard-input-stream, and 'standard-extended-input-stream. Regards Douglas Crosher Index: stream-input.lisp =================================================================== RCS file: /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/stream-input.lisp,v retrieving revision 1.44 diff -c -r1.44 stream-input.lisp *** stream-input.lisp 10 Mar 2006 21:58:13 -0000 1.44 --- stream-input.lisp 14 Mar 2006 00:00:20 -0000 *************** *** 117,122 **** --- 117,131 ---- else do (handle-event (event-sheet event) event)))) + (defmethod stream-clear-input ((pane standard-input-stream)) + (setf (stream-unread-chars pane) nil) + (loop for event = (event-read-no-hang pane) + if (null event) + return nil + else + do (handle-event (event-sheet event) event)) + nil) + ;;; XXX The should be moved to protocol-classes.lisp and the ;;; standard-sheet-input-mixin superclass should be removed. (define-protocol-class extended-input-stream (fundamental-character-input-stream ;Gray stream *************** *** 384,389 **** --- 393,410 ---- do (stream-read-gesture estream) ; consume pointer gesture finally (return (characterp char))))) + (defmethod stream-clear-input ((stream standard-extended-input-stream)) + (with-encapsulating-stream (estream stream) + (loop + with char and reason + do (setf (values char reason) (stream-read-gesture estream + :timeout 0 + :peek-p t)) + until (or (eq reason :eof) (eq reason :timeout)) + do (stream-read-gesture estream) ; consume pointer gesture + )) + nil) + ;;; stream-read-line returns a second value of t if terminated by eof. (defmethod stream-read-line ((stream standard-extended-input-stream)) (with-encapsulating-stream (estream stream)