On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 10:14:10AM +0000, Christophe Rhodes wrote:
Could I have a test case for Tests/commands.lisp?
I've had a brief look at the two tests already present in Tests/commands.lisp, and I think there's something wrong. According to 27.1, "Every command is named by command name, which is a symbol.". However, the two tests in that file give a list as the command-name argument to add-command-to-command-table. After changing that (see attachment) I get an error: Condition COMMAND-NOT-PRESENT was signalled. [Condition of type COMMAND-NOT-PRESENT] Restarts: 0: [ABORT-REQUEST] Abort handling SLIME request. 1: [TERMINATE-THREAD] Terminate this thread (#<THREAD "worker" {100482DD71}>) Backtrace: 0: (CLIM-INTERNALS::PARTIAL-COMMAND-FROM-NAME COM-TEST-COMMAND) 1: (LOOKUP-KEYSTROKE-COMMAND-ITEM (:KEYBOARD #\t 0) NO-MENU-TEST-TABLE :TEST NIL :NUMERIC-ARG 1) 2: ((LAMBDA (MENU-NAME GESTURE ITEM)) NIL (:KEYBOARD #\t 0) #<MENU-ITEM keystroke (t) {1004948BC1}>) 3: (MAP-OVER-COMMAND-TABLE-KEYSTROKES #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA (MENU-NAME GESTURE ITEM)) {1002377FD9}> NO-MENU-TEST-TABLE) ... Vincent.