Seems to work for the cases I have tried. Maybe it will work for Max as well?
|Yes, it's really better. Some of my tests and also Xophe's gadget-test |work now. But there is still a SIMPLE-ERROR | "There is no applicable method for the generic function| | #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION SHEET-NATIVE-TRANSFORMATION (6)> |when | called with arguments (NIL)." |for my example that has a WITH-OUTPUT-AS-GADGET inside an |ACCEPTING-VALUES.. Btw. I've attached a patch for my interpretation of the description you've given for your changes.. I will try some more test - my Lispworks application uses w-o-a-g a lot so maybe that will turn more info. I will also try something with accepting-values. Re your patch, I've found that we can just get rid of the initialize-instance :after method. Make instance then should be called with the :gadget initarg instead of :child. Then the stuff in i-i :after can be stuffed into setup-gadget-record to save some space in the macro expansion. Will need to bind child with (gadget record) first. I'll post a more coherent patch, maybe tomorrow if testing goes well. Paul