Hi, just to be more specific: I'm well aware of the documentation on bauhh.dyndns.org and the clim specs of Lispworks and Franz, but apart from being seemingly different, they also don't mention the scroll-wheel and the modifiers of :pointer-button don't seem to work as expected on my machine. -- Orm ----- Forwarded message from Orm Finnendahl <orm.finnendahl@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de> ----- Subject: gesture docs? From: Orm Finnendahl <orm.finnendahl@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de> To: mcclim-devel@common-lisp.net Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 19:33:26 +0200 Hi, is there any documentation on pointer-gestures in mcclim? This doesn't seem to work: (define-gesture-name :multiple-select :pointer-button (:left :shift)) whereas this works: (define-gesture-name :multiple-select :pointer-button (:left :control :shift)) :wheel-up and :wheel-down seems to be bound to scrolling a (scrollable) pane using mouse-wheel-scroll-mixin and I don't know how to override this. This also doesn't seem to work: (define-gesture-name :up :pointer-scroll (:wheel-up :shift)) (define-gesture-name :down :pointer-scroll (:wheel-down :control)) I found out that all mouse and keypress events are received in #'process-next-event, so X actually transfers them to mcclim. Is the exact name of the gestures/modifiers somewhere documented (and also how to make them work?) -- Orm ----- End forwarded message -----