Hi, The following code produces an unexpected result in current McCLIM HEAD: (in-package :clim-user) (with-open-file (ps "/tmp/foo.ps" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (with-output-to-postscript-stream (s ps) (draw-rectangle* s 10 10 20 20) (new-page s) (draw-rectangle* s 30 30 40 40))) The reason is that the new-page output record is no longer contributing to the bounding rectangle of the stream output history, so that when the history is replayed (to actually write the postscript file) the new-page output records are not replayed. If instead the code is (with-open-file (ps "/tmp/foo.ps" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (with-output-to-postscript-stream (s ps) (draw-rectangle* s 10 10 20 20) (new-page s) (draw-rectangle* s 30 30 40 40) (new-page s) (draw-rectangle* s -5 -5 5 5))) You get the expected three pages (rather than the one you get when there is no drawn content around 0,0). This problem can be worked around by defining a method on output-record-count for tree output records which always returns 0: which suggests that the cases testing for output-record-count being eql to 1 (and then doing some optimized path) in recompute-extent-for-{new,changed}-child are optimized to the point of being wrong... Any ideas? Cheers, Christophe