From mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.lisp, that func is set up for
Hi there. I'm trying to resize an image and show it to the screen. The image loads OK, and before the image is transformed I can use (draw-rectangle* pane 0 0 50 50 :ink image) to show it fine (just clips off the rest). After scaling it, when I try to change the :ink to the new transformed-design, it gives an error "Sorry, not yet implemented". Here's what I'm doing: ;; xpm.lisp is loaded by clim-listener.asd (let* ((image (clim-internals::xpm-parse-file #p"image.xpm")) (transformed-bg (transform-region (make-scaling-transformation 5 5) image))) (draw-rectangle* pane 0 0 50 50 :ink transformed-bg)) ;; if it's :ink image, it shows, just not scaled Sorry, not yet implemented. [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] That error is coming from clim-clx::medium-gcontext (backtrace below). translation-transformations, but not scaling-transformations. If it's anything but a translation-transformation, it gives an error saying not yet implemented. Here's that function, only the first 5 lines matter: (defmethod medium-gcontext ((medium clx-medium) (ink climi::transformed-design)) (let ((transformation (climi::transformed-design-transformation ink)) (design (climi::transformed-design-design ink))) (unless (translation-transformation-p transformation) (error "Sorry, not yet implemented.")) ;; Bah! (typecase design ((or climi::indexed-pattern climi::rectangular-tile) (multiple-value-bind (tx ty) (transform-position transformation 0 0) (let ((gc-x (round-coordinate tx)) (gc-y (round-coordinate ty)) (gc (design-gcontext medium design))) (setf (xlib:gcontext-ts-x gc) gc-x (xlib:gcontext-ts-y gc) gc-y (xlib:gcontext-clip-x gc) gc-x (xlib:gcontext-clip-y gc) gc-y) gc))) (t (error "You lost, we not yet implemented transforming an ~S." (type-of ink)))))) Since I don't know how to make it handle scaling-transformations, I guess this ends up being a feature request. I asked on irc about it and was told to mail here. If there's a better way to draw my scaled image, I'd love to know. Thanks guys! - Jeremy Rayman jeremy.rayman@gmail.com ----------- if anyone needs it: Backtrace: 0: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD CLIM-CLX::MEDIUM-GCONTEXT (CLIM-CLX::CLX-MEDIUM CLIM-INTERNALS::TRANSFORMED-DESIGN)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-MEDIUM {4AB116E9}> #<CLIM-INTERNALS::TRANSFORMED-DESIGN {485EC701}>) 1: ((LAMBDA (SB-PCL::.PV-CELL. SB-PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. SB-PCL::.ARG0. SB-PCL::.ARG1.)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-MEDIUM {4AB116E9}> #<CLIM-INTERNALS::TRANSFORMED-DESIGN {485EC701}>) 2: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD CLIM-CLX::MEDIUM-DRAW-RECTANGLE-USING-INK* (CLIM-CLX::CLX-MEDIUM T T T T T T)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-MEDIUM {4AB116E9}> #<unavailable argument> 0 0 40 40 T) 3: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD CLIM-INTERNALS::DO-GRAPHICS-WITH-OPTIONS-INTERNAL (MEDIUM T T)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-MEDIUM {4AB116E9}> #<CLIM-INTERNALS::SPRITE-PUSH-BUTTON-PANE CLIM-DEMO::CE {4AB008A1}> #<CLOSURE (FLET CLIM-INTERNALS::GRAPHICS-OP) {485EC785}> (:INK #<CLIM-INTERNALS::TRANSFORMED-DESIGN {485EC701}>)) 4: ((FLET #:FN21) #<CLIM-INTERNALS::SPRITE-PUSH-BUTTON-PANE CLIM-DEMO::CE {4AB008A1}>) 5: ((LAMBDA (SB-PCL::.PV-CELL. SB-PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. SB-PCL::.ARG0. SB-PCL::.ARG1. SB-PCL::.ARG2.)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM-INTERNALS::SPRITE-PUSH-BUTTON-PANE CLIM-DEMO::CE {4AB008A1}> #<CLIM-DEMO::CALCULATOR {4AA7CD19}> #:GADGET10920) 6: ((LAMBDA (SB-PCL::.PV-CELL. SB-PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. SB-PCL::.ARG0. SB-PCL::.ARG1.)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM-INTERNALS::SPRITE-PUSH-BUTTON-PANE CLIM-DEMO::CE {4AB008A1}> #<POINTER-ENTER-EVENT {485EC211}>) ...