Eric Marsden <eric.marsden@free.fr> writes:
I see the following bug with CVS McCLIM using Closure and mcclim-freetype, on SBCL. I recall a previous command with "M-p" (for some reason I seem to need to type that twice for it to have an effect), then backspace until the entire argument of the command has been erased, then run into the following error.
This seems to be a McCLIM Freetype problem that causes some strings to be printed one pixel to the left of where the stream cursor is actually positioned. Goatee doesn't suffer from this problem because it ignores text styles, but in Drei, the input will walk a pixel to the left for every redisplay. I think this problem is font-dependent, as I could only get it to show up with a :sans-serif font. This Listener session sort of shows the problem (notice that the output records have different positions based on which string is printed - I guess the variable-width and anti-aliasing stuff causes it): http://sigkill.dk/athas/vimi.png -- \ Troels "Athas" /\ Henriksen