On 2005-01-31, Andreas Fuchs asf@boinkor.net wrote:
By the way, I have put up an asdf-installable tarball of yesterday's McCLIM CVS checkout (non-anonymous CVS, though).
Testers, get it via ASDF-INSTALL by running:
(asdf-install:install "http://boinkor.net/lisp/mcclim/mcclim-2005-01-31.tar.gz")
Alright, I put up a new asdf-installable snapshot. Features:
* Should work with OpenMCL (caveat: needs CLX pre-installed. The one from fink should work, if you have clx.asd linked from your asdf:*central-repository* directory) * more sparse dependency graph on the CLIM system - more incremental development support (-:
For a quick overview of the benefits of the second bullet, compare http://www.boinkor.net/lisp/mcclim/CLIM.ps (the old graph) and http://www.boinkor.net/lisp/mcclim/new-graphs/CLIM.ps (-:
The asdf-installable snapshot:
If you pulled the previous asdf-install snapshot, you can get the updated mcclim.asd (it's all that changed) from:
on your favorite lisp REPL. One pitfall: remove old links to system.lisp from your asdf:*central-registry* directories. I had to remove symlinks called clim.asd, clim-clx.asd, clim-clx-user.asd and clim-listener.asd.
Nice test case after you installed it:
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clim-examples) (clim-demo::run-test 'clim-demo::method-browser)
and enter clim:note-sheet-grafted (-:
Good luck and have fun testing it!