Hi, I am trying to get Scigraph to work with CMUCL. So far I found what I believe is a CMUCL 0305 bug: the third/last multiple-value-setq in function device-draw-line in scigraph/draw.lisp exercises incorrect compilation of the function. I replaced it with an equivalent multiple-value-bind and that fixed the problem. (Both versions of the function worked when interpreted.) Perhaps someone wants to take a look; I'll post to cmucl-devel if I do not get any feedback. Then I encountered a similar problem with (setf bounding-rectangle-min-x) and friends in the same file. The error below is confusing (it occurs when I play with zoom in/zoom out), but I noticed that the compiler complains about missing setf methods when I recompiled the file. Then I looked at regions.lisp and the spec, and I could not find the setf methods implemented or documented. Again, the error is not raised by CMUCL 0305 when I the code in scigraph/draw.lisp is interpreted. Any suggestions are welcome. Alex Type-error in KERNEL::OBJECT-NOT-TYPE-ERROR-HANDLER: 10 is not of type (MOD 10) [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Return to application command loop 1: [SCIGRAPH-TOP-LEVEL] Abort to SCIGRAPH Top Level 2: [DESTROY] Destroy the process Backtrace: 0: (%CLIP-LINE 1083 161 928 341 ...) 1: (DEVICE-DRAW-LINE #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}> 1083 161 928 ...) 2: ("DEFMETHOD DATUM-STYLE-DISPLAYER (GRAPH-DATUM-LINE-SYMBOLOGY-MIXIN T (EQL LINE-SYMBOL))" #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}> 928 341 (1572 5177/5000)) 3: ((METHOD INVOKE-WITH-NEW-OUTPUT-RECORD NIL (OUTPUT-RECORDING-STREAM T T T)) (#() . #(#)) #<unused-arg> #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}> #<Closure Over Function (FLET #:CONTINUATION37) {589F3B59}> ...) 4: ("DEFMETHOD DATUM-DISPLAYER AROUND (PRESENTABLE-DATA-MIXIN T)" #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}> 928 341 (1572 5177/5000)) 5: (MAP NIL #<Closure Over Function "DEFMETHOD DISPLAY-DATA (ESSENTIAL-GRAPH-DATA-MAP-MIXIN T T)" {5882E631}> ((2096 261/200) (2095 1317/1000) (2094 13259/10000) (2093 13277/10000) (2092 13463/10000) ...)) 6: ((METHOD CLIM-INTERNALS::DO-GRAPHICS-WITH-OPTIONS-INTERNAL NIL (MEDIUM T T)) (#(2 5 6 3 2 ...) . #(# #)) #<unused-arg> #1=#<CLIM-CLX::CLX-MEDIUM {5A4A7D45}> #1# ...) 7: ((METHOD GRAPH-DISPLAY-DATA NIL (GRAPH-DATASETS-MIXIN T)) (#(32 33) . #()) #<unused-arg> #<ANNOTATED-GRAPH ANNOTATED-GRAPH-3> #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}>) 8: ((METHOD GRAPH-WITH-CLIPPING NIL (BASIC-GRAPH T T T)) #<#1=unused-arg> #<#1#> #<ANNOTATED-GRAPH ANNOTATED-GRAPH-3> #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}> ...) 9: ("LAMBDA (G9552 G9553 G9554)" #<#1=unused-arg> #<#1#> #<ANNOTATED-GRAPH ANNOTATED-GRAPH-3> #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}>) 10: ((METHOD INVOKE-WITH-NEW-OUTPUT-RECORD NIL (OUTPUT-RECORDING-STREAM T T T)) (#() . #(#)) #<unused-arg> #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}> #<Closure Over Function (FLET #:CONTINUATION97 (FLET #:UPDATING-OUTPUT-CONTINUATION6)) {5881ED81}> ...) 11: ((FLET #:UPDATING-OUTPUT-CONTINUATION6) #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}>) 12: ((METHOD INVOKE-WITH-NEW-OUTPUT-RECORD NIL (OUTPUT-RECORDING-STREAM T T T)) (#() . #(#)) #<unused-arg> #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}> #<Closure Over Function (FLET #:CONTINUATION14 CLIM-INTERNALS::%INVOKE-UPDATING) {5881E919}> ...) 13: (CLIM-INTERNALS::%INVOKE-UPDATING #<STANDARD-UPDATING-OUTPUT-RECORD X 0.0d0:0.0d0 Y 0.0d0:0.0d0 #<ANNOTATED-GRAPH ANNOTATED-GRAPH-3> {5881E36D}> #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}> #<Closure Over Function (FLET #:UPDATING-OUTPUT-CONTINUATION6) {5881D961}>) 14: ((FLET #:CONTINUATION44) #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}> #<STANDARD-UPDATING-OUTPUT-RECORD X 0.0d0:0.0d0 Y 0.0d0:0.0d0 #<ANNOTATED-GRAPH ANNOTATED-GRAPH-3> {5881E36D}>) 15: ((METHOD INVOKE-WITH-NEW-OUTPUT-RECORD NIL (OUTPUT-RECORDING-STREAM T T T)) (#() . #(#)) #<unused-arg> #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}> #<Closure Over Function (FLET #:CONTINUATION44) {5881D989}> ...) 16: ((METHOD INVOKE-UPDATING-OUTPUT NIL (CLIM-INTERNALS::UPDATING-OUTPUT-STREAM-MIXIN T T T T ...)) (#(46) . #(#)) #<unused-arg> #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}> #<Closure Over Function (FLET #:UPDATING-OUTPUT-CONTINUATION6) {5881D961}> ...) 17: ((METHOD DISPLAY (:AROUND) (PRESENTABLE-GRAPH-MIXIN T)) (#(50 49) . #()) #S(PCL::FAST-METHOD-CALL :FUNCTION #<Closure Over Function "LAMBDA (G9552 G9553 G9554)" {5A002AF9}> :PV-CELL NIL :NEXT-METHOD-CALL NIL :ARG-INFO (2)) #<ANNOTATED-GRAPH ANNOTATED-GRAPH-3> #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}>) 18: ((METHOD EXECUTE-FRAME-COMMAND (:AROUND) (T T)) #<unused-arg> #S(PCL::FAST-METHOD-CALL :FUNCTION #<Function (METHOD EXECUTE-FRAME-COMMAND NIL #) {58C7E8C1}> :PV-CELL NIL :NEXT-METHOD-CALL NIL :ARG-INFO (2)) #<GRAPH-VIEWER {58618B55}> (COM-ZOOM-IN #<ANNOTATED-GRAPH ANNOTATED-GRAPH-3> #<APPLICATION-PANE DISPLAY {5A38C2D5}>)) 19: ((METHOD DEFAULT-FRAME-TOP-LEVEL NIL (APPLICATION-FRAME)) (#() . #(# # # # # ...)) #<unused-arg> #<GRAPH-VIEWER {58618B55}> NIL) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? 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