Christophe Rhodes <csr21@cam.ac.uk> writes:
Hi, Paolo.
Could you try pasting with Klipper enabled and with the attached patch? (I spent some time with the ICCCM, and some more time
Sure. Now, when I copy from the CLIM Listener and paste to a Konsole pane, the text is pasted correctly, and a stream of messages like the ones included below are displayed until I quit the listener. My current setup is: CMUCL Snapshot 2005-03, latest McCLIM CVS sources with your patch applied. Paolo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-SELECTION-REQUEST-EVENT {59B8394D}> is an instance of type CLX-SELECTION-REQUEST-EVENT it has the following slots: TIMESTAMP: 1328099 SHEET: #<CLIM:INTERACTOR-PANE CLIM-LISTENER::INTERACTOR {59DFE89D}> REGION: <unbound> SELECTION: :PRIMARY REQUESTOR: #<XLIB:WINDOW :0 31457307> TARGET: :COMPOUND_TEXT PROPERTY: :_QT_SELECTION ;; clim-clx::send-selection - Requested target COMPOUND_TEXT, sent COMPOUND_TEXT to property _QT_SELECTION. #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-SELECTION-REQUEST-EVENT {59B87685}> is an instance of type CLX-SELECTION-REQUEST-EVENT it has the following slots: TIMESTAMP: 1328099 SHEET: #<CLIM:INTERACTOR-PANE CLIM-LISTENER::INTERACTOR {59DFE89D}> REGION: <unbound> SELECTION: :PRIMARY REQUESTOR: #<XLIB:WINDOW :0 31457307> TARGET: :STRING PROPERTY: :_QT_SELECTION ;; clim-clx::send-selection - Requested target STRING, sent STRING to property _QT_SELECTION. #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-SELECTION-REQUEST-EVENT {59C061DD}> is an instance of type CLX-SELECTION-REQUEST-EVENT it has the following slots: TIMESTAMP: 1329099 SHEET: #<CLIM:INTERACTOR-PANE CLIM-LISTENER::INTERACTOR {59DFE89D}> REGION: <unbound> SELECTION: :PRIMARY REQUESTOR: #<XLIB:WINDOW :0 31457334> TARGET: :TIMESTAMP PROPERTY: :KLIPPER ;; clim-clx::send-selection - Requested target TIMESTAMP, sent TIMESTAMP to property KLIPPER. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Lisp Propulsion Laboratory log - http://www.paoloamoroso.it/log