Brian Mastenbrook <chandler@unmutual.info> writes:
In order to use this under SBCL, you must use the .asd file, as there's a little ASDF muckery in there to work around the fact that compiling the freetype-ffi file currently stuffs up in SBCL. After the rest of the code finishes compiling, you should see a message about setting mcclim-freetype:*freetype-font-path* - set this to a directory containing the Bitstream Vera fonts, and don't forget the final / on the pathname or else merge-pathnames is not going to be happy.
Comments and patches welcome, especially from CMUCL users.
Find attached a patch which makes it work on my amd64 (and stops it from working on 32-bit platforms, of course). There seems to be something slightly wrong with text-style-width, as demonstrated in the following screenshot: <http://www-jcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk/~csr21/text-style-width.png>. What's going on in this example is that the top line implements the spaces by calling stream-increment-cursor-position with an x-displacement of text-style-width; the second line simply draws the text in one fell swoop. Thus, a slightly smaller than true text-style-width causes this displacement (and also for the cursor to be drawn in the wrong position, if it's not at the start of the line). Cheers, Christophe