Notes on the changes: 1. The results might look better on more platforms if we used the roman and helvet packages. I haven't experimented yet. 2. I think if the macros for defun, etc. were rewritten into LaTeX rather than in raw TeX, latex2html might be happier. 3. I have not yet patched the makefile. I tend not to use make for latex docs, because I've never figured out how to get make to recognize when latex needs to do a second pass to get the cross-references right. Perhaps someone else does... 4. Annoyingly, the hyperref usepackage does NOT work with vanilla latex, so one can't just switch between latex and pdflatex. Probably adding some wrapper files around manual.tex for latex and pdflatex would solve this problem, or some \if fu. Changes required: 1. Generate the following files from postscript, using ps2pdf: inspect-object-1.pdf inspect-object-2.pdf inspect-object-3.pdf inspect-as-cells.pdf ex2.pdf native.pdf 2. Patch manual.tex by replacing postscript figures with pdf figures, and add hyperref \usepackage to get pdf bookmarks. Here's the patch: Index: manual.tex =================================================================== RCS file: /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Doc/manual.tex,v retrieving revision 1.26 diff -c -r1.26 manual.tex *** manual.tex 11 Mar 2005 22:34:59 -0000 1.26 --- manual.tex 6 Apr 2005 14:28:00 -0000 *************** *** 6,11 **** --- 6,12 ---- \usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage{alltt} \usepackage{moreverb} + \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref} \setlength{\parskip}{0.3cm} \setlength{\parindent}{0cm} *************** *** 372,378 **** \begin{figure} \begin{center} ! \inputfig{ex2.pstex_t} \end{center} \caption{\label{figex2} View of the improved example} \end{figure} --- 373,379 ---- \begin{figure} \begin{center} ! \includegraphics{ex2.pdf} \end{center} \caption{\label{figex2} View of the improved example} \end{figure} *************** *** 643,650 **** c. Mirrors are outlined with dotted rectangles. \begin{figure} ! \begin{center} ! \inputfig{native.pstex_t} \end{center} \caption{\label{fignative} A sheet with a nontrivial transformation} \end{figure} --- 644,652 ---- c. Mirrors are outlined with dotted rectangles. \begin{figure} ! \begin{center} ! \input native.pstex_t ! %\inputfig{native.pstex_t} \end{center} \caption{\label{fignative} A sheet with a nontrivial transformation} \end{figure} *************** *** 1576,1582 **** The new cons cell diagram format looks like this: \begin{center} ! \includegraphics{inspect-as-cells.eps} \end{center} \section{Extending Clouseau} --- 1578,1584 ---- The new cons cell diagram format looks like this: \begin{center} ! \includegraphics{inspect-as-cells.pdf} \end{center} \section{Extending Clouseau} *************** *** 1718,1724 **** the right. This gives us some reasonably nice-looking output: \begin{center} ! \includegraphics{inspect-object-1.eps} \end{center} But what we really want is something more closely adapted to our --- 1720,1726 ---- the right. This gives us some reasonably nice-looking output: \begin{center} ! \includegraphics{inspect-object-1.pdf} \end{center} But what we really want is something more closely adapted to our *************** *** 1754,1760 **** to \cl{x=y} and we're done. It looks like this: \begin{center} ! \includegraphics{inspect-object-2.eps} \end{center} Finally, for our amusement and further practice, we'll try to get some --- 1756,1762 ---- to \cl{x=y} and we're done. It looks like this: \begin{center} ! \includegraphics{inspect-object-2.pdf} \end{center} Finally, for our amusement and further practice, we'll try to get some *************** *** 1816,1822 **** Our final version looks like this: \begin{center} ! \includegraphics{inspect-object-3.eps} \end{center} For more examples of how to extend the inspector, you can look at --- 1818,1824 ---- Our final version looks like this: \begin{center} ! \includegraphics{inspect-object-3.pdf} \end{center} For more examples of how to extend the inspector, you can look at