Hi, here's a somewhat functional GTK+ backend, using CFFI to interface with the C libraries. For drawing operations I have borrowed Gilbert Baumann's cairo medium (search&replaced to use cffi instead of alien and with minor updates for cairo 1.0), hence the name Gtkairo for the new backend. I probably don't have to explain why a GTK backend is interesting, but since using cairo means to interface with C anyway, it seems logical to go the full way to a native backend, eliminating the synchronization issues between the two parallel server connections (CLX and Xlib) present in Gilbert's original work. As a proof-of-concept, sliders, buttons, option- and check boxes are implemented as native widgets. As you can see in the screenshot below[1], scroll bars and menus are not done natively yet. Be warned that a lot of rough edges remain. * Display glitches. Notice how some weird bars drawn in what I think are background colors sometimes appear in the address book example. In the same example, the input cursor when typing and erasing characters is not getting removed properly, leaving a trace. Interestingly, when enabling antialiasing, the cursor is drawn blurry, which might indicate that non-integer coordinates are being used. Also, the presentation highlighting rectangle leaves traces if antialiasing is enabled (which is while I have disabled it for now). * The text cursor does not show the correct horizontal position in climacs. * Menus appear but do not really work. Worth fixing, even though we would rather want native menus in the long term. * The gadgets are only a quick hack. Colored buttons (clim-fig) are missing, the slider is not quite right. Inheriting from the standard gadget panes is bogus anyway, we should build them from scratch. * Should work on Windows but does not. Using the installer from gimp-win.sf.net I see an address book window, but there are cairo font warnings in the background and moving the mouse gives an error. Although the hordes of sbcl/win32 hackers might contribute a native Windows backend sooner or later, it would be nice to get Gtkairo working on Windows, too. * ... To install Gtkairo, extract the tarball[2] into your Backend directory and apply the trivial patch[3]. GTK+ 2.8 is required for the Cairo integration. Please test and improve ;-), David [1] http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/gtkairo.png [2] http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/gtkairo.tgz [3] http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/gtkairo.diff