I was trying to debug a space requirement issue in beirc, so I wanted to grab hold of its tab-layout-pane (which is named 'query). Oddly, I find that (get-frame-pane <frame> 'query) returns nil. I managed to use a back door to find the pane, and it *does* have a name: BEIRC(31): (slot-value tab-pane 'climi::name) QUERY It was defined as follows: (:layouts (default (vertically () (with-tab-layout ('receiver-pane :name 'query) ("*Not Connected*" server 'receiver-pane)) ;; (68 io) ;; no drop-shadow prompt (make-pane 'clim-extensions:box-adjuster-gadget) io (20 pointer-doc) (20 ;<-- Sigh! Bitrot! status-bar)))) The with-tab-layout does have the :name option, and it invokes make-pane. AFAICT, make-pane should stuff *application-frame* into an arglist and invoke make-pane-1, which should stash this pane away in the named-panes slot of the *application-frame*. But this is evidently not happening (or, I suppose, that slot could be overwritten). Alternatively, I suppose that *application-frame* might be unbound at the time this with-tab-layout gets evaluated? I'm pretty sure that this is a bug, and that the tab-layout pane IS intended to be exposed to get-frame-pane. But I'm not sure how to fix it, myself. Thanks, R