Hi David and Troels :) To David: So you are "neither antifuchs nor athas, no." - ok, but you are the person I was thinking about when asking my strange question. And by the way, I found your name today once again when reading about mcclim's gtk bindings :) - sorry for not remembering names better. (And sorry to other readers for this probably unnecessary and mysterious part of my message.) Concerning my newest mcclim adventures (and David's question from yesterday): I finally installed mcclim today following the indications on page http://mcclim.cliki.net/GettingStarted . Only one thing I had to do differently: I downloaded clx from http://common-lisp.net/~crhodes/clx and not, as written in the GettingStarted-guide, from http://verisons.telent.net/clx as the latter didn't work. When trying to test the system from the clim example programs the "DemoDemo" window popped up and I could start one of the demos. Thereafter things stopped to work and the windows to repaint. An exception, appended to this message, was signalled. In the exception message I could read: ...(possible package problem)... Ok, but how to find the one combination of packages which works? Should I rather follow some other installation instructions, use some other tool (clbuild ?), ...? Greetings from my little room where I am happy to sit at my computer hiding from an unfriendly stormy, cold and rainy night outside. Dietrich ============================================================ The error message I got ------------------------------------------------------------ The function DREI-BUFFER::DELETE-ELEMENTS* is undefined. [Condition of type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Return to application command loop 1: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level. 2: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level. Backtrace: 0: ("bogus stack frame") 1: ((LAMBDA (SB-PCL::.PV. SB-PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. SB-PCL::.ARG0. SB-PCL::.ARG1. SB-PCL::.ARG2.)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<DREI::EXTENDED-STANDARD-BUFFER size:0 {D9D03F1}> 0 0) 2: ((LAMBDA (SB-PCL::.PV. SB-PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. SB-PCL::.ARG0. SB-PCL::.ARG1. SB-PCL::.ARG2.)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<DREI:DREI-BUFFER size:0 {D7A2E89}> 0 0) 3: ((LAMBDA NIL)) 4: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD DREI:INVOKE-PERFORMING-DREI-OPERATIONS (DREI:DREI FUNCTION)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM-INTERNALS::DREI-TEXT-FIELD-SUBSTRATE TEXTUAL-DREI-SYNTAX-VIEW {B4FD5E9}> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {B0227CD}>)[:EXTERNAL] 5: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD (SETF CLIM:GADGET-VALUE) (T DREI:DREI-GADGET-PANE)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> "2" #<CLIM-INTERNALS::DREI-TEXT-FIELD-SUBSTRATE TEXTUAL-DREI-SYNTAX-VIEW {B4FD5E9}>)[:EXTERNAL] 6: ((LAMBDA (SB-PCL::.PV. SB-PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. SB-PCL::.ARG0. SB-PCL::.ARG1. SB-INT:&MORE SB-PCL::.DFUN-MORE-CONTEXT. SB-PCL::.DFUN-MORE-COUNT.)) #<unused argument> #<unused argument> "2" #<CLIM-INTERNALS::DREI-TEXT-FIELD-SUBSTRATE TEXTUAL-DREI-SYNTAX-VIEW {B4FD5E9}> -303822752 0) 7: (CLIM-INTERNALS::INVOKE-CALLBACK #<CLIM:PUSH-BUTTON-PANE CLIM-DEMO::TWO {B4D4521}> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA (CLIM:GADGET)) {B4D1525}>)[:EXTERNAL] 8: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD CLIM:HANDLE-EVENT (CLIM:PUSH-BUTTON-PANE CLIM:POINTER-BUTTON-RELEASE-EVENT)) #(26 NIL 49 NIL) #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM:PUSH-BUTTON-PANE CLIM-DEMO::TWO {B4D4521}> #<unavailable argument>) 9: (CLIM-EXTENSIONS:SIMPLE-EVENT-LOOP #<CLIM-DEMO::CALCULATOR {B442D71}>) 10: (CLIM-EXTENSIONS:SIMPLE-EVENT-LOOP)[:EXTERNAL] 11: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD CLIM:RUN-FRAME-TOP-LEVEL (CLIM:APPLICATION-FRAME)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM-DEMO::CALCULATOR {B442D71}>)[:EXTERNAL] 12: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD CLIM:RUN-FRAME-TOP-LEVEL :AROUND (CLIM:APPLICATION-FRAME)) #<unavailable argument> #S(SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD-CALL :FUNCTION #<FUNCTION (SB-C::&OPTIONAL-DISPATCH #) {C6BF405}> :PV NIL :NEXT-METHOD-CALL NIL :ARG-INFO (1 . T)) #<CLIM-DEMO::CALCULATOR {B442D71}>)[:EXTERNAL] 13: ((LAMBDA (&REST IGNORE))) 14: (CLIM-INTERNALS::INVOKE-CALLBACK #<CLIM:PUSH-BUTTON-PANE "(Unnamed Pane)" {D7D5759}> #<CLOSURE (SB-C::&OPTIONAL-DISPATCH (LAMBDA #)) {D837A5D}>)[:EXTERNAL] 15: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD CLIM:HANDLE-EVENT (CLIM:PUSH-BUTTON-PANE CLIM:POINTER-BUTTON-RELEASE-EVENT)) #(26 NIL 49 NIL) #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM:PUSH-BUTTON-PANE "(Unnamed Pane)" {D7D5759}> #<unavailable argument>) 16: (CLIM-EXTENSIONS:SIMPLE-EVENT-LOOP #<CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO {AD848C1}>) 17: (CLIM-EXTENSIONS:SIMPLE-EVENT-LOOP #<CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO {AD848C1}>)[:EXTERNAL] 18: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD CLIM:READ-FRAME-COMMAND :AROUND (CLIM:APPLICATION-FRAME)) #<unavailable argument> #S(SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD-CALL :FUNCTION #<FUNCTION (SB-C::&OPTIONAL-DISPATCH #) {C6BBE9D}> :PV NIL :NEXT-METHOD-CALL NIL :ARG-INFO (1 . T)) #<CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO {AD848C1}>)[:EXTERNAL] 19: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD CLIM:DEFAULT-FRAME-TOP-LEVEL (CLIM:APPLICATION-FRAME)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO {AD848C1}>)[:EXTERNAL] 20: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD CLIM:RUN-FRAME-TOP-LEVEL (CLIM:APPLICATION-FRAME)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO {AD848C1}>)[:EXTERNAL] 21: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD CLIM:RUN-FRAME-TOP-LEVEL :AROUND (CLIM:APPLICATION-FRAME)) #<unavailable argument> #S(SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD-CALL :FUNCTION #<FUNCTION (SB-C::&OPTIONAL-DISPATCH #) {C6BF405}> :PV NIL :NEXT-METHOD-CALL NIL :ARG-INFO (1 . T)) #<CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO {AD848C1}>)[:EXTERNAL] 22: (SB-INT:SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV (CLIM-DEMO::RUN-TEST (QUOTE CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO)) #<NULL-LEXENV>) 23: ((LAMBDA NIL)) 24: ((LAMBDA (SWANK-BACKEND::FN)) #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {AD82605}>) 25: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-BUFFER-SYNTAX #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {AD82605}>) 26: (SB-INT:SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV (SWANK:INTERACTIVE-EVAL "(clim-demo::run-test 'clim-demo::demodemo)") #<NULL-LEXENV>) 27: ((LAMBDA NIL)) 28: ((LAMBDA (SWANK-BACKEND::HOOK SWANK-BACKEND::FUN)) #<FUNCTION SWANK:SWANK-DEBUGGER-HOOK> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {AD7F2F5}>) 29: ((LAMBDA NIL)) 30: ((LAMBDA (SWANK-BACKEND::HOOK SWANK-BACKEND::FUN)) #<FUNCTION SWANK:SWANK-DEBUGGER-HOOK> #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA NIL) {AA7AC5D}>) 31: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-REDIRECTED-IO #<SWANK::CONNECTION {AFCDBD1}> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {AD7E0C5}>) 32: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-CONNECTION #<SWANK::CONNECTION {AFCDBD1}> #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA NIL) {AA7AC5D}>) 33: (SWANK::HANDLE-REQUEST #<SWANK::CONNECTION {AFCDBD1}>) 34: (SWANK::PROCESS-AVAILABLE-INPUT #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "a socket" {AFCCF19}> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {AD7E0B5}>) 35: ((FLET SWANK::HANDLER)) 36: ((LAMBDA (SWANK-BACKEND::_)) #<unused argument>) 37: (SB-IMPL::SUB-SERVE-EVENT #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> NIL) 38: (SB-SYS:WAIT-UNTIL-FD-USABLE 0 :INPUT NIL) 39: (SB-IMPL::REFILL-INPUT-BUFFER #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "standard input" {A7BCC21}>) 40: (SB-IMPL::INPUT-CHAR/UTF-8 #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "standard input" {A7BCC21}> NIL #:EOF-OBJECT) 41: (READ-CHAR #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "standard input" {A7BCC21}> NIL #:EOF-OBJECT #<unused argument>) 42: (READ-CHAR #<SYNONYM-STREAM :SYMBOL SB-SYS:*STDIN* {90C9E31}> NIL #:EOF-OBJECT #<unused argument>) 43: (READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE #<SYNONYM-STREAM :SYMBOL SB-SYS:*STDIN* {90C9E31}> NIL (NIL) T) 44: (READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE #<SYNONYM-STREAM :SYMBOL SB-SYS:*STDIN* {90C9E31}> NIL (NIL) NIL) 45: (READ #<SYNONYM-STREAM :SYMBOL SB-SYS:*STDIN* {90C9E31}> NIL (NIL) NIL) 46: (SB-IMPL::REPL-READ-FORM-FUN #<SYNONYM-STREAM :SYMBOL SB-SYS:*STDIN* {90C9E31}> #<unavailable argument>) 47: (SB-IMPL::REPL-FUN NIL) 48: (SB-IMPL::REPL-FUN NIL)[:EXTERNAL] 49: ((LAMBDA NIL)) 50: ((LAMBDA NIL))[:EXTERNAL] 51: (SB-IMPL::%WITH-REBOUND-IO-SYNTAX #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL) {A816035}>) 52: (SB-IMPL::TOPLEVEL-REPL NIL) 53: (SB-IMPL::TOPLEVEL-INIT) 54: ((LABELS SB-IMPL::RESTART-LISP)) ============================================================ ...and the end of my emacs slime repl buffer output (puh!)... ------------------------------------------------------------ ...snip... STYLE-WARNING: slot names with the same SYMBOL-NAME but different SYMBOL-PACKAGE (possible package problem) for class #<STANDARD-CLASS LOGIC-CUBE-PANE>: (CLIM-INTERNALS::BACKGROUND BACKGROUND) STYLE-WARNING: slot names with the same SYMBOL-NAME but different SYMBOL-PACKAGE (possible package problem) for class #<STANDARD-CLASS CALCULATOR>: (CLIM-INTERNALS::STATE STATE) STYLE-WARNING: Implicitly creating new generic function DISPLAY-FONT-PREVIEW. ;;;; (clim-demo::run-test 'clim-demo::demodemo) ... STYLE-WARNING: slot names with the same SYMBOL-NAME but different SYMBOL-PACKAGE (possible package problem) for class #<STANDARD-CLASS CLIM-DEMO::LOGIC-CUBE-PANE>: (CLIM-INTERNALS::BACKGROUND CLIM-DEMO::BACKGROUND) STYLE-WARNING: slot names with the same SYMBOL-NAME but different SYMBOL-PACKAGE (possible package problem) for class #<STANDARD-CLASS CLIM-DEMO::LOGIC-CUBE-PANE>: (CLIM-INTERNALS::BACKGROUND CLIM-DEMO::BACKGROUND) CL-USER> ============================================================ On Tue, 2008-02-19 at 19:15 +0100, David Lichteblau wrote:
Quoting Dietrich Bollmann (diresu@web.de):
Here are the cmucl / sbcl / mcclim versions I used:
$ cmucl ... CMU Common Lisp CVS 19d 19d-release (19D), ... ...
$ sbcl --version SBCL 1.0.14.debian
$ g :version /usr/share/common-lisp/source/mcclim/mcclim.asd /usr/share/common-lisp/source/mcclim/mcclim.asd: :version "0.9.5"
So all of them seem to be the most recent version.
my impression is that few McCLIM developers are familiar with the packages included in Debian.
Have you considered building your own SBCL and McCLIM, using the CVS version of McCLIM?
On Tue, 2008-02-19 at 20:36 +0100, Troels Henriksen wrote:
Dietrich Bollmann <diresu@web.de> writes:
So all of them seem to be the most recent version.
McCLIM 0.9.5 has (several) problems with various different versions of SBCL - in fact, unless you use the current SBCL from just around the time McCLIM 0.9.5 was released, you'll likely have trouble.
It is *really* recommended to get CVS McCLIM. It should even work with many versions of SBCL (though the lock-thing mentioned in your post may require a semirecent SBCL, I don't recall the details of that particular problem).