Sumant Oemrawsingh <soemraws@xs4all.nl> writes:
(with-room-for-graphics (t) (draw-rectangle* *standard-output* -10 -10 10 10 :clipping-region (make-rectangle* -5 -5 5 5)))
What I expect is that it displays a smaller rectangle, namely the rectangle with side 20 clipped down to a side of 10. However, I don't see anything.
Without looking at the code, my suspicion is that the with-room-for-graphics is at fault -- or at least, it's not transforming the clipping region. Doing (draw-rectangle* *standard-output* 90 90 100 100 :clipping-region (make-rectangle* 95 95 120 120)) at the Listener gives me a 5-pixel rectangle, as one might expect. So clipping works at least partially; I don't know exactly what is at fault. Cheers, Christophe