Hello On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 01:50:21PM +0200, Paolo Amoroso wrote:
mretzlaff@common-lisp.net (Max-Gerd Retzlaff) writes:
Modified Files: dialog.lisp Log Message: (climi::frame-event-queue *application-frame*) as argument :INPUT-BUFFER to the call of OPEN-WINDOW-STREAM in WITH-STREAM-IN-OWN-WINDOW (was not specified previously).
I still don't get separate windows in dialogs of town-example.lisp that have :own-window t. The accepting-values dialogs still appear in the interactor. I use the latest McCLIM CVS sources.
Did you change the call TO ACCEPTING-VALUES in the macro ACCEPTING-VALUES-WITH-STYLE-AND-TITLE (and a recompile of the whole file)? ACCEPTING-VALUES-WITH-STYLE-AND-TITLE is only used for the *output* of the commands COM-SHOW-TOWN-INFO and COM-GET-DISTANCE. And that did not work for you? I just grabbed a fresh cvs checkout and it worked for me. If you want the accepting-values dialogs of the partial-command-parser (i.e. if you click in the menu on "Show Town Info" or "Get Distance") to appear in a new window, you have to change the :own-window argument of that call. It is burried in MAKE-PARTIAL-PARSER-FUN in mcclim/commands.lisp, try this patch: -- zipp -- --- commands.lisp_old 2005-08-26 15:06:27.370372680 +0200 +++ commands.lisp 2005-08-26 15:06:29.218091784 +0200 @@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ ,command-table :errorp nil)) ,@(mapcar #'list required-arg-names original-args)) - (accepting-values (,stream) + (accepting-values (,stream :own-window t) (format ,stream "You are being prompted for arguments to ~S~%~%" ,command-line-name) -- zapp -- There seems to be no simple way to just change the default for a single application frame. The right way seems to be to modify the application-frame's top-level with something like (:top-level (default-frame-top-level :partial-command-parser ..) in one's DEFINE-APPLICATION-FRAME. But that seems to be a lot of work as the default, COMMAND-LINE-READ-REMAINING-ARGUMENTS-FOR-PARTIAL-COMMAND, calls the partial-command-parsers that are created via mentioned MAKE-PARTIAL-PARSER-FUN when the commands of the application are defined (DEFINE-..-COMMAND -> DEFINE-COMMAND -> %DEFINE-COMMAND).. Bye, Max -- Max-Gerd Retzlaff <m.retzlaff@gmx.net> For your amusement: Scientists will study your brain to learn more about your distant cousin, Man.