I took a brief look at this tonight, and I see that the keystrokes are indeed not working as expected. I tried a variation on you example using a single character with no modifier, and that worked fine. I'm pretty sure this was working not too long ago (my old tests appear to include a command with :keystroke (#\g :control), and presumably they all worked). Or, maybe the situation is different in some subtle way than what I tested. I guess I'll take a look at what happened over the weekend.. The #\c-\q syntax is new to me. On 4/27/05, Thibault Langlois <tl@di.fc.ul.pt> wrote:
The last (unsolved :-) problem is related to keystrokes when I define a command with the define-frame-command macro.
I tried to do as described in the allegro CLIM manual:
(define-test-commands-1-command (com-quit :name t :keystroke (:q :control)) () (frame-exit *application-frame*))
but C-q in the interactor does nothing.
The LW CLIM manual gives a different syntax for keystrokes that is not readable with cmucl/McCLIM: :keystroke #\c-\q
I tried to define a gesture: (define-gesture-name :quit :keyboard (#\q :control))
(define-test-commands-1-command (com-quit :name t :keystroke :quit) () (frame-exit *application-frame*))
I have seen examples like this one and I think it should work but it does not (C-q does nothing).