Trying to run McCLIM on windows-10/LispWorks 64-bit. This issue regards define-presentation-to-command-translator. The marked lines below show the problem. Apparently the McCLIM code resulted in replacing the DEV-X argument I wanted with a DEVICE-EVENT object I did not want. I then had to use a non exported function from clim-internals to retrieve the missing value. The &rest arg I put in is NIL in both cases. I have not figured out how that happened. (defun %set-a-cursor #+clim-2.0 (chart cursor dev-x dev-y pane &rest stuff) ;<<<< #+mcclim (chart cursor event dev-y pane &rest stuff) ;<<<< (let* (#+mcclim (dev-x (climi::device-event-x event)) (x (untransform-position (medium-transformation pane) dev-x dev-y))) (with-slots (lcursor rcursor) chart (let ((newx (ecase cursor (rcursor (max (x-cursor-position lcursor) (ceiling x))) (lcursor (min (x-cursor-position rcursor) (floor x)))))) ;; args to com-set-cursor (list (slot-value chart cursor) newx pane))))) (define-presentation-to-command-translator xlate-set-rcursor (clim:blank-area com-set-cursor plotter :documentation "Set Right Cursor" :gesture :menu :tester ((object window) (declare (ignore object)) (typep window 'basic-chart-pane))) (x y window) (%set-a-cursor (chart-pane-chart window) 'rcursor x y window))