Christophe Rhodes writes:
Christophe Rhodes writes:
Find attached a preliminary patch to deal with the fact that, in general, glyphs from fonts are not constrained to draw only to the right of the cursor position.
A revised patch is attached, which is still not commit-worthy but fixes the opposite-problem as well: glyphs which draw beyond their advance width. (Thanks to Dave Murray aka JQS for testing).
The current plan is for us here at Goldsmiths to perform a little more testing and extend it to the PostScript backend. I suppose that the logical thing to do is to call TEXT-BOUNDING-RECTANGLE* a backend function and require backends to implement it for their backend-medium.
Well, for what it's worth, we did this, I performed some light testing (using clim-demo::postscript-test), and I've committed our work so far.
This imposes a maintenance burden on those interested in the OpenGL and beagle backends, but I hope not a terrible one. I note, from the screenshot at for example, that there seem to be similar redraw artifacts in the beagle backend in any case, so it could well be that an implementation of text-bounding-rectangle* there clears those up. (Is anyone out there using the OpenGL backend?)
This remains true: the beagle, OpenGL (and CLX with #+unicode, if that's not dead code) backends are currently broken. Sorry. To fix them, the function climi::text-bounding-rectangle* needs to be implemented, which should return the bounding-rectangle of a draw-text command at 0,0 with :x-align :left and :y-align :baseline. (If all else fails, this can be faked with a call to TEXT-SIZE, with the caveat that then redraw artifacts as in the above screenshot will remain.)