Hi all (and good holiday if you are in vacation), i noted two strange behavior, but I am not a clim expert but so sorry if i miss something. 1) draw-arrow* use the line-style-thickness to calculate distances in order to draw the head, but that thickness is not transformed with the current user transformation. So for example: (in-package :clim-user) (define-application-frame foo () () (:panes (app :application :width 1000 :height 1000 :display-function #'display)) (:layouts (default (vertically () app)))) (defun display (frame stream) (declare (ignore frame)) (with-first-quadrant-coordinates (stream 0 1000) (with-scaling (stream 250 250) ;; so now it is 4x4 (draw-line* stream 2 1 2 2.5) (draw-arrow* stream 1 1 1 2.5 :head-length 0.1 :head-width 0.1)))) (run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'foo)) i draw a 4x4 grid drawing a line and a parallel arrow (of the same length), but the two drawing is not of the same length. I tried to fix that (see first attachment). 2) in make-text-style i can specify the font family with :fix or :fixed for fixed fonts, but the freetype experimental extension accept only :fix (that is standard-compliant afaik). Do you have suggestion for the delivery of mcclim application (e.g. to avoid the debugger et similia)?