Hello list,
the supplied patch heals a right-click-on-presentation context-menu blowup in gtkairo:
diff --git a/presentations.lisp b/presentations.lisp --- a/presentations.lisp +++ b/presentations.lisp @@ -1950,7 +1950,7 @@ a presentation" :label label :associated-window window :printer #'(lambda (item stream) - (let ((object (first item))) + (let ((object item)) (document-presentation-translator (presentation-translator-menu-item-translator object) (presentation-translator-menu-item-presentation object)
Tested with the CLX backend as well, seems to work.
It appears that matters are more complicated as CLX's context menu refused to work with that change, after I recompiled everything from scratch, popping up the debugger precisely in the same place. Gah. So, it appears, CLX and Gtkairo are using conflicting policies in that place.. regards, Samium Gromoff