Hi, I've been reading the "Guided Tour" paper included in mcclim/Doc, and I've found a peculiar behavior for the "Hello World" example on my system (latest mcclim from CVS, sbcl 0.9.13, Mac OS X 10.4.7 on PPC running X11.app) and I'm not sure if it's - a bug in mcclim, or - a bug in X11.app, or - a bug in my understanding of how CLIM works, or - a feature! In any event, the issue is as follows. I run the following code (taken verbatim from the paper) in the CLIM-USER package at the REPL: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (define-application-frame hello-world () ((greeting :initform "Hello World" :accessor greeting)) (:pane (make-pane 'hello-world-pane))) (defclass hello-world-pane (clim-stream-pane) ()) (defmethod handle-repaint ((pane hello-world-pane) region) (let ((w (bounding-rectangle-width pane)) (h (bounding-rectangle-height pane))) ;; Blank the pane out (draw-rectangle* pane 0 0 w h :filled t :ink (pane-background pane)) ;; Draw greeting in center of pane (draw-text* pane (greeting *application-frame*) (floor w 2) (floor h 2) :align-x :center :align-y :center))) (defun make-and-run-hello-world () (run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'hello-world))) (make-and-run-hello-world) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ and I do indeed get a very small window popping up with "Hello World" in it. (The window is so tiny, in fact, that it only shows about 5 letters, and that only thanks to the window manager requirement to make the window large enough to accomodate the usual "expand, hide, kill" buttons of the Mac OS X window manager.) I then grab the manual "resizing" corner of the window and make it bigger, and things are fine, with the text of "Hello World" dynamically readjusting itself to stay centered in the window. The problem comes when I try to use the same mechanism to make the window smaller. Whenever dragging the corner of the window is used to reduce the size of the window, the text does not automatically recenter but rather stays in the same absolute position on the screen. (I am attaching a PNG which shows the effect of expanding a window and then shrinking it again using the "resizer" in the lower right corner of the window -- the text is clearly no longer centered.) Any attempt to enlarge the window (in either or both dimensions) will instantly recenter the text again. Clearly, the "shrink window" event is not being acted on for recentering purposes. But is this a bug in McClim (i.e., it should be repainting on shrink but is not), or is it a bug in the Mac OS X X11.app (i.e., it should be sending some sort of message on shrink but is not) or is it my misunderstanding (i.e., I should be adding some code to get the repaint to activate on shrink, and I have not done so)? Thanks for any insight you can provide! Dan