Andy Hefner writes:
To clarify, I imagined setting the coordinates slot of the bounding rectangle to nil as a signal that the bounding rectangle needs to be recomputed. Recompute-extent-for-changed-child can set the slot to nil rather than immediately recomputing the bounding rectangle, and bounding-rectangle* checks for the nil case and can call tree-recompute-extent itself, saving the value in the slot (until the next change that invalidates it). That way the bounding rectangle is only computed when it is needed, and moving/deleting a number of records does not cause it to be recomputed each time only to be discarded.
This sounds like a good idea, and easy to implement.
The second type of application is more likely to move or delete output records, that makes it necessary to go through all output records to determine the bounding rectangle. For this type of application it would just be easier to compute the bounding rectangle at the end of the command loop.
Can you elaborate on when and for what records recomputing of bounding rectangles would be supressed? Formatting utilities such as surrounding-output-with-border and the table formatter require correct bounding rectangles for their contained output, the process of producing which may at some point require a call to tree-recompute-extent. Restricting this to the topmost (stream-output-history) record would be safer and sufficient for some applications, but others may encounter the same problems deeper in the output tree.
I haven't thought this through completely, but it seems to me that even table formatting only needs to be computed right before the output is to be replayed. What I am suggesting is to suppress all such computations and just go through the entire tree once, right before replay. Doing that would have to invoke the table-formatting code, of course. But again, I don't know for sure that it will work. -- Robert Strandh --------------------------------------------------------------------- Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp. ---------------------------------------------------------------------