Just added some screenshots to the skeletal readme file on the bitbucket project page here <https://bitbucket.org/symbolicsimulation/com.symsim.oss.ql-gui> sorry for the delay - my first foray into markdown (etc) -jm On Sat, Nov 4, 2017 at 9:23 PM, Anton Vodonosov <avodonosov@yandex.ru> wrote:
screenshots or screencast?
04.11.2017, 23:46, "John Morrison" <jm@symbolic-simulation.com>:
Hi All;
Interested in (roughly decreasing order of importance to me):
- usability/usefulness - aesthetics (I am not a front end guy in any language) - compatibility with CLIM best practices and idioms (as this is my first CLIM program in decades, or should I say Dynamic Windows?) - compatibility with CL best practices and idioms (as this is my first real Common Lisp program after decades of C/C++, or should I say Zetalisp?)
Please be kind, and thanks for all your contributions to McCLIM!