Duncan Rose <duncan@robotcat.demon.co.uk> writes:
something that's slow) but getting the correct part is the trick. I've read certain sections of the spec repeatedly ('geometry substrate', 'windowing substrate', parts of 'building applications' mainly), and inspected the McCLIM code in detail too in these areas and I still have no idea what the 'correct' behaviour is in many cases.
You may check the CLIM mailing list archives. They provide explanations and clarifications on many design decisions and implementation issues.
Most of this (IMHO) is definitely down to vagueness in the spec (for another example, according to the LispWorks CLIM user guide, a platform-specific fontspec can be used as a text-style (e.g. an X fontspec), and this is intimated at in the spec too, but it's not made clear). I have no idea if McCLIM supports this though (I think:
The main problem with CLIM vendors manuals is that they don't make clear what is in the spec and what is an extension. Paolo -- Lisp Propulsion Laboratory log - http://www.paoloamoroso.it/log