Greetings Orm, CLIM is a layered toolkit, the implementation in "text-selection.lisp" is using the lower level where you handle events yourself. For example `dispatch-event`, `handle-repaint`, `handle-event` are all part of CLIM. I am attaching an example program which shows an integer value which can be increased or decreased with mouse wheel. Just put the following in a file and load it: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (unless (find-package "CLIM") (ql:quickload "mcclim"))) (in-package :clim-user) (defclass counter-pane (basic-pane) ((counter :initform 0))) (defmethod handle-event ((pane counter-pane) (event climi::pointer-scroll-event)) (with-slots ((counter counter)) pane (setf counter (+ counter (climi::pointer-event-delta-y event)))) (repaint-sheet pane +everywhere+)) (defmethod handle-repaint ((pane counter-pane) region) (with-bounding-rectangle* (min-x min-y max-x max-y) region (draw-rectangle* pane min-x min-y max-x max-y :ink +sky-blue+) (draw-text* pane "Use Mouse Wheel to increase/decrease counter." 20 20) (with-slots ((counter counter)) pane (with-text-size (pane 48) (draw-text* pane (format nil "~A" counter) 170 180))))) (define-application-frame counter-frame () () (:pane (clim:make-pane 'counter-pane)) (:geometry :width 400 :height 400)) (defun show-counter () (let ((frame (make-application-frame 'counter-frame))) (run-frame-top-level frame))) (show-counter) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since gestures on McCLIM are currently broken, You can implement multiple-select (mentioned in your parent mail) as text-selection is implemented/ Good luck, Nisar Ahmad On 08/05/2018 10:30 PM, Orm Finnendahl wrote:
just FYI (if someone googles this question...):
After some code inspection I found out that the "cut-and-paste-mixin" sends pointer-events in its dispatch-event :around method to eos/shift-click if the shift key is pressed. This seems related to some historic semantics of shift-click behaviour for setting and dragging points as explained in the "text-selection.lisp" file.
I couldn't find anything in the clim specific docs. May it'd be sensible to add this information (maybe at bauhh.dyndns.org?).
-- Orm