The attached test case does produce strange results for accepting-values calls. In the test case you will find 2 commands. The first one causes an implicit accepting values to be generated when you click on the menu button (or type "Implicit AV<ret>" in the interactor pane). In my CVS checkout (about 12 hours old), the Implicit AV command presents three prompts, of that only the last one accepts input. Notice, when damaging the draw area only the last one is repainted, even though not shown first. Explicit AV also generates three prompts, of that the first and the last accepts input. Both are redrawn upon X damage. I also put up a video of this behaviour in case it is not reproducable for you. They are at http://clemens.endorphin.org/strange-clim-artefacts/ (Most of them are MPEG4 provided with four different flavors of fourcc. The last is in Motion JPEG, but quite huge. I won't give an off-topic explaination here of what caused the problems seen by those participating in the IRC discussion of this bug, but when you're interested http://itdp.fh-biergarten.de/~itdp/html/mplayer-users/2005-03/msg00069.html ) Regards, -- Fruhwirth Clemens - http://clemens.endorphin.org for robots: sp4mtrap@endorphin.org